Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Which is Best: Teacher-Centered or Student-Centered Education?

The National UN Volunteers. 
Group Discussion

Topic: Which is Best: Teacher-Centered or Student-Centered Education?

¶ Key questions to be discussed:

* What is Student centered Education-Problems and solutions.

* What is Teacher centered Education-Problems and solutions.

* Which is the best Education for our children.

• Azeez:  Considering students opinion:

• In student-centered method the various aspect of learning such as mutual understanding, use of textbooks and references were significantly increases , whereas other aspects of learning such as self esteem, study time, innovation, and study attitude though are improving but are not significant as compared with teacher centered method. 

• In teacher-centered method the understanding of the subjects is significantly increasing.

Other aspects of learning such as motivation and concentration are improving but not significantly as compared with student centered method.

As the result showed student centered method was favored in several aspects of learning while in teacher centered method only understanding of the subject was better. 

Careful choice of teaching method to provide a comprehensive learning experience should take into account these differences.

The effective teaching employs both teacher and student-centered strategies depending on the nature of your class. 

• First, understanding the nature of your students in the classroom.

• Second, providing motivation and letting students realize the reward of learning languages or subjects invite more efficiency in the learning process. 

• Third, with a mix and match of the two strategies, the idea of modified instruction comes in. 

Since students learn differently, they can be grouped according to learning style.

Group learning and collaboration in learning are important among the students. Otherwise it goes against the process.

The effectiveness of Student centered Education depends on the nature of the learners, size of the classroom/Teacher-Student ratio, Time Management.....

Otherwise Teacher centered Education is opt.

In Teacher centered Education is management and Student centered is arrangement.

¶ Teacher Centered Learning:

• Teaching and assessing are separate.
• The instructor's role is to be primary information giver and primary evaluator.
• Assessment is used to monitor learning.
• Emphasis is on the right answers.
• Desired learning is assessed indirectly through the use of objectivity scored tests.
• Only students are viewed as learners.

¶ Learner Centered Learning:

• Teaching and assessing are intertwined.
• The instructor's role is to coach and facilitate. • • The instructor's role is to coach and facilitate. The instructor and the students evaluate learning together.
• Assessment is used to promote and diagnose learning.
• Emphasis is on generating better questions and learning from errors.
• Desired learning is assessed directly through papers, projects, performances, portfolios, and the like.
• Instructors and students learn together.

• Dr Parvathi: Both has its advantages  and disadvantages. In student centred learning  students  get more exposure then in teacher  centred  learning. In student centred  Learning  expectations  of the students  from the teacher becomes more clear and students tk the initiative  to solve the problem  themselves as this generates experimental learning  and leads to long term memorisation.

• Mrs. Sweta Srivastava: Teacher centered education system was the older method of imparting the knowledge...here the centre point was Teacher so.. his command over subject and knowledge should be up to the mark.... Ancient Gurukul system was the best example. But students centred education is the modearb way of learning where teacher if merely plying a role of facilitator. Knowledge, books, everything is easily available... Teacher is just  delivering it. But we both the system have merits and demerits..Education and knowledge is different things...  Even in child centred education also the Teacher role is important that how he is facilitating that knowledge...Moral values , Character formation  Skill knowledge etc...

• Dr Parvati: Right.It is same as mother help the child to move his first step by holding  his or her hands wn the kid starts learning how to walk.The same is the teacher's role in teacher centred learning. And the next step child centred learning  starts after this wherein the child after collecting  and gaining  starts imparting it in his work or projects. So teacher centred  is first step and child centred  or student centred  is second step. Teachers are always a centre  for learning  but being a human  being  no one is full or perfect and I think with student centred  learning  teacher also gets a chance to learn more and improve her strategies  as rightly said by vivekananda a teacher must perceive and look forward to learn new things always irrespective  of where the knowledge  she is getting  from.

Everybody has  their own way of thinking and taking things  so as the child.When the teacher imparts knowledge  the way child takes in that knowledge  becomes a new knowledge  later because  in that child makes changes further and further. Inventions takes place lk this only in this world.

• Mrs. Sweta Srivastava: Yes....Teachers shapes the character of a child with subject knowledge and by imparting the most important ingredient ....Values ...

• Dr Parvathi: Yes absolutely. She prepares the child to fight with the problems and to deal with  the problems  in a more matured way rest the child learns himself when he faces the situation. That's wy Teacher has been gvn  third place after mother and  father because teacher plays the role of both mother and father in a student's  life. SAYING IN SANSKRIT 

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