Saturday, September 7, 2024



Written by Chris Drew (PhD) | July 17, 2024

Effective discipline involves setting clear expectations, maintaining consistent consequences, and fostering positive relationships with students. It aims to promote respect, responsibility, and cooperation among students, ensuring that the classroom operates smoothly.

By implementing well-thought-out discipline strategies, teachers can minimize disruptions, enhance student engagement, and support academic success.


1. Clear (And High) Expectations

Set clear rules and expectations from the start. Clearly communicating what is expected helps students understand the boundaries and reduces confusion. It also allows students to know what behaviors are acceptable and what consequences they will face for misbehaving. It’s also important to ensure the expectations are high so students can strive to do their best, not strive for mediocrity.

2. Consistent Consequences

Apply classroom consequences consistently for rule-breaking. Consistency in consequences ensures fairness and helps students understand the link between their actions and the outcomes. This approach also reinforces the seriousness of the rules and promotes a predictable environment.

3. Positive Reinforcement

Reward good behavior to encourage it. Positive reinforcement, such as praise or rewards, motivates students to continue exhibiting desirable behaviors. This strategy can help build a positive classroom atmosphere where students feel recognized for their efforts.

4. Proximity Control

Move closer to students who are misbehaving. Proximity control is a non-verbal way to address minor disruptions without interrupting the flow of the lesson. By moving closer to the disruptive student, the teacher can signal that they are aware of the behavior, often leading to self-correction.

5. Non-Verbal Signals

Use gestures to signal students to correct behavior. Non-verbal signals, such as eye contact, hand signals, or facial expressions, can effectively communicate the need for behavior change without disrupting the class. This subtle approach helps maintain the flow of the lesson while addressing issues promptly.

6. Seating Arrangement

Arrange seats to minimize distractions. Strategic seating can help manage behavior by separating students who may disrupt each other and placing easily distracted students closer to the teacher. This arrangement fosters a more focused and conducive learning environment.

7. Classroom Jobs

Assign jobs to give students a sense of responsibility. Classroom jobs empower students by giving them roles that contribute to the functioning of the class, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility. This strategy can also reduce misbehavior by keeping students engaged and accountable.

8. Teach Self-Regulation

Help students learn to manage their emotions. Teaching self-regulation skills equips students with the tools to control their impulses, stay calm under stress, and make thoughtful decisions. These skills are crucial for maintaining a positive classroom environment and promoting personal growth.

9. Model Behavior

Demonstrate the behavior you expect. Teachers who model respectful, responsible, and positive behavior set a powerful example for students to follow. By consistently showing the desired behaviors, teachers reinforce expectations and create a standard for students to emulate.

10. Routine

Establish a consistent daily routine. A predictable routine helps students feel secure and understand what is expected of them at different times of the day. Consistency in the schedule reduces uncertainty and anxiety, leading to better behavior and a more organized classroom.

11. Engaging Lessons

Keep students engaged with interesting lessons. Engaging and interactive lessons capture students’ attention, reducing opportunities for disruptive behavior. When students are interested and invested in the material, they are more likely to participate positively and stay focused.

12. Quiet Signals

Use a specific signal to gain students’ attention quietly. Implementing a quiet signal, like a hand raise or a specific sound, can quickly and efficiently get students’ attention without raising your voice. This helps maintain a calm classroom environment and minimizes disruptions.

13. Restorative Practices

Encourage students to make amends for their actions. Restorative practices focus on repairing harm and restoring relationships rather than just punishing misbehavior. This approach helps students understand the impact of their actions and promotes a more empathetic and supportive classroom community.

14. Time-Out

Use time-out as a way for students to cool down. A time-out provides students with a designated space to calm down and reflect on their behavior away from the rest of the class. This strategy can help prevent escalation and allows students to return to the classroom ready to learn.

15. Parental Involvement

Communicate regularly with parents about behavior. Keeping parents informed about their child’s behavior helps create a support system for the student and reinforces the importance of good behavior at home and school. Regular communication can also help identify and address issues early on.

16. Behavior Contracts

Create agreements with students about expected behavior. Behavior contracts are formal agreements between the teacher and student that outline specific behavior goals and the consequences for not meeting them. These contracts provide clear guidelines and encourage students to take responsibility for their actions.

17. Praise In Public, Correct In Private

Praise good behavior publicly and correct bad behavior privately. Public praise reinforces positive behavior and motivates other students to follow suit, while private correction prevents embarrassment and maintains the student’s dignity. This approach fosters a positive classroom environment and respectful relationships.

18. Student Choice

Give students some choice in their activities to increase engagement. Allowing students to choose from a selection of tasks or activities gives them a sense of control and investment in their learning. When students feel they have a say in their education, they are more likely to be engaged and cooperative.

19. Morning Meetings

Start the day with a meeting to set a positive tone. Morning meetings provide an opportunity to build community, discuss the day’s agenda, and address any concerns. This routine helps establish a sense of belonging and prepares students mentally for the day ahead.

20. Goal Setting

Help students set and work towards personal goals. Goal setting encourages students to take ownership of their behavior and academic progress. By setting and striving for achievable goals, students develop a sense of purpose and motivation to improve their conduct and performance.

21. Logical Consequences

Use consequences that are directly related to the misbehavior. Logical consequences are outcomes that are directly tied to the student’s actions, making the connection between behavior and result clear. This approach helps students understand the impact of their behavior and encourages them to make better choices.

22. Classroom Rewards

Use a reward system for the whole class. Implementing a system where the entire class can earn rewards for collective good behavior fosters teamwork and a sense of shared responsibility. This strategy can motivate students to support each other and maintain a positive classroom environment.

23. Reflection Time

Allow students time to reflect on their behavior. Providing students with designated time to think about their actions and the consequences can promote self-awareness and personal growth. Reflection helps students understand their behavior patterns and develop strategies for improvement.

24. Teach Social Skills

Explicitly teach skills like cooperation and communication. Teaching social skills equips students with the tools they need to interact positively with peers and adults. These skills are essential for creating a respectful and collaborative classroom environment.

25. Calm Down Corner

Have a designated area where students can go to calm down. A calm down corner is a space in the classroom where students can go to manage their emotions and regain composure. This area provides a safe and supportive environment for students to de-escalate and return to learning ready to participate.


Burden, P. R. (2020). Classroom Management: Creating a Successful K-12 Learning Community. Wiley.
Carr, D. L. (2021). An Introduction to Effective Classroom Management: Introduction to Effective Classroom Management for Elementary Teachers and Senior. Independently Published.
Charles, C. & Senter, G. (2005). Building classroom discipline. Boston: Pearson.
Espelage, D. L., & Sabornie, E. J. (Eds.). (2022). Handbook of Classroom Management. Taylor & Francis.
Lettink, M. (2020). Development and validation of a questionnaire on classroom management of Dutch secondary education teachers (Master’s thesis, University of Twente).
Nelsen, J., & Gfroerer, K. (2017). Positive Discipline Tools for Teachers: Effective Classroom Management for Social, Emotional, and Academic Success. Harmony/Rodale.
Reynolds, L. (2020). Classroom Management: This Book Includes: Classroom Management Success + Classroom Discipline. Sorry, Dudes… I Teach Like a Champion (Student Engagement Tools). Simone Vigna.
Wong, H. K., Wong, R. T., Jondahl, S. F., & Ferguson, O. F. (2018). The Classroom Management Book. Harry K. Wong Publications, Incorporated.

Saturday, August 31, 2024



Public statement of what constitutes teacher quality

The NPST is a public statement of what constitutes teaching quality and what is required to improve the educational outcomes of students in India. These standards are a set of guiding statements that define the expectation of the role of a teacher at different levels of expertise at different stages of a career. The standards also defines effective teaching and the competencies required to practice as a teacher in 21st century schools at each stage of teaching career.

The NPST will also inform the design of pre-service teacher education programmes. This could be then adopted by States and determine all aspects of teacher career management, including tenure, professional development efforts, salary increases, promotions, and other recognitions. Promotions and salary increases will not occur based on the length of tenure or seniority, but only on the basis of such appraisal. The professional standards will be reviewed and revised in 2030, and thereafter every ten years, on the basis of rigorous empirical analysis of the efficacy of the system.

Further, these standards provide a common understanding of what is valued in the profession and expectations from teachers across the country.

This understanding will inform the following:

▪️Defining the nature of teacher’s work
▪️Creating working and service conditions
▪️Reinventing teacher education programmes
▪️Enabling certification and registration of teachers
▪️Promoting life-long learning and career development
▪️Establishing uniformity of teacher qualification and enabling mobility
▪️Evaluating teacher quality
▪️Supporting teacher motivation
▪️Teacher accountability/duties

Thus, a common set of standards will ensure that there is coherence across policies in the varied matters pertaining to teachers and teaching as a profession.

1.NPST in NEP, 2020

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 places the teacher at the center of the fundamental reforms proposed in the education system. The Policy indicates that teachers truly shape the future of our children - and, therefore, all students at all levels of school education must be taught by passionate, motivated, highly qualified, professionally trained, and well-equipped teachers.

To enable this, teachers must be re-established as the most respected and essential members of our society. Everything must be done to empower teachers and help them to do their job as effectively as possible. The very best and brightest must enter the teaching profession at all levels, by ensuring livelihood, respect, dignity, and autonomy, while also instilling in the system basic methods of quality control and accountability.

This will be made possible through the National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST), an essential policy action as stated in Para 5.20 of the NEP 2020, as indicated below.

2.Para 5.20. NEP, 2020

“A common guiding set of National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) will be developed by 2022, by the National Council for Teacher Education in its restructured new form as a Professional Standard Setting Body (PSSB) under the General Education Council (GEC), in consultation with NCERT, SCERTs, teachers from across levels and regions, expert organizations in teacher preparation and development, expert bodies in vocational education, and higher education institutions. The standards would cover expectations of the role of the teacher at different levels of expertise/stage, and the competencies required for that stage. It will also comprise standards for performance appraisal, for each stage, that would be carried out on a periodic basis. The NPST will also inform the design of pre-service teacher education programmes. This could be then adopted by States and determine all aspects of teacher career management, including tenure, professional development efforts, salary increases, promotions, and other recognitions. Promotions and salary increases will not occur based on the length of tenure or seniority, but only on the basis of such appraisal. The professional standards will be reviewed and revised in 2030, and thereafter every ten years, on the basis of rigorous empirical analysis of the efficacy of the system”

© 2024 NCTE | Website is developed & maintained by IT & e-Governance wing, NCTE, New Delhi    Last Updated on 19-07-2024

Friday, August 16, 2024

Role of Muslims in India’s Freedom Struggle

Role of Muslims in India’s Freedom Struggle

The famous writer kushwant Singh,once write “ India freedom is written in Muslim blood ,since their participation in the freedom struggle was much more,in proportion to their small percentage of the population “The story and history of Indian's independence are written with the blood of Muslims. According to historical references 65%of those who stood , fought and sacrificed against the British for Indian's independence were Muslim freedom fighters,the hams live reported. Indian Muslims not only contributed significantly to the liberation struggle but also gave their lives in the service of the anti-colonial national battle. 61945 of the 95300 names of independence fighters mentioned on India Gate in Delhi are Muslim names, indicating that 65% of all liberation fighters were Muslims, as reported in an article in Milli Chronicle.

A large number of people from all religions and castes took part I the freedom struggle, undoubtedly. Muslim however , the struggle of many Muslim prominent personalities who also contributed to India's freedom and even sacrificed everything including their lives are little known . Muslim have been at the forefront to oppose the British and stood shoulder with people from other commitments while fighting against them. Getting freedom was not easy ,our ancestors had to go face a lot of struggle and difficulties to get us the freedom that we are enjoying now.

It is impossible to recount the names of hundreds and thousands of Indian Muslims who fought on the streets against the British empire.For all patriotic Indians, it is the worst of times, it is the age of foolishness, it is the epoch of incredulity, it is the season of darkness, it is the winter of despair, we have nothing before us, to paraphrase an epic description of the revolutionary tumult of the French Revolution, by Charles Dickens in his novel The Tale of Two Cities. However, the current situation in India is not about a revolutionary tide. The torrents that India faces today are intensely counter-revolutionary.Even a cursory glance at history would reveal that Indian Muslims not only played a stellar role in the freedom struggle but happily laid down their lives at the altar of the anti-colonial national struggle.The Great Revolt of 1857 was the mightiest joint effort of the Hindus and Muslims under the leadership of the Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar to dislodge the British from India. Zafar was chosen as the leader of the Revolt by the overwhelmingly Hindu upper-caste sepoys (popularly known as poorbeahs) recruited chiefly from the Eastern regions of India. Although the Revolt failed because of myriad reasons, it was the Muslim community that was singled out by the British as the conspirators-in-chief. The tragedy that struck the Muslims of Delhi, which was the epicentre of the Revolt, was gruesome and ghastly.

All Muslims, barring a few rich households, were shunted out of the walled city and could not return to the city till November 1859. Important Muslim shrines were desecrated by the British as an insulting token of revenge. There was a talk of demolishing the Jama Masjid, the Akbarabadi Masjid was destroyed, the Fatehpuri Masjid was sold to the pro-British Lala Chunna Mal and the Zinat-ul-Masjid was used as a bakery. After the embers of the Revolt cooled, the British became aware of a conjoint effort by Hindus and Muslims motivated by a common anti-British sentiment in future. As a result, the system of mixed regiments in the British army was disbanded and replaced by the 'class company model' of mixed ethnic groups.

In the next phase of British rule, a small number of rich and educated Indians were given consultative yet impotent memberships in the Legislative Councils. The Bengal Legislative Council that came into being in 1862 had four members: Raja Partap Chand of Burdwan, Ramaprasad Roy, son of Rammohun Roy, Prasanna Coomar Tagore, cousin of Dwarkanath Tagore, and a lone Muslim member Maulvi Abdul Latif. From the very beginning, the Council fell prey to the interests of the bourgeoisie-landlord combine.

One of the first tasks that the Council set itself to was to bring about a bill that strived to amend Article X of the Tenancy Act of Bengal 1859, under which the poor Bengali tenantry and sharecroppers got some relief from exorbitant exactions by the 'permanently settled' landlords. Out of all the four Council members, it was only Maulana Abdul Latif who voted against the egregious bill and the rest sided with the British planters.Within two years of the founding of the Indian National Congress (INC) in 1885, Badruddin Tyabji of Bombay became its President. Both Badruddin and his brother Qamruddin Tyabji were deeply involved in laying the founding of the INC and were among the four Muslim delegates elected to the first Congress meeting in 1885. It is also interesting to note that Badruddin Tyabji was instrumental in passing the motion that stated that the ‘INC would never approve the discussion of a subject without the unanimity of its Hindu and Muslim delegates’.

Even during the Swadeshi period, Muslim swadeshi leaders were as patriotic as their Hindu brethren. If we set aside the dubious role of prominent landed elements such as Nawab Salimullah of Dacca, we will find immense participation of ordinary and plebian Muslims. The Muslim peasantry of Pabna and Khulna displayed heart-warming scenes of fraternisation during a rally in July 1905. In the same year, on September 23, Hindu-Muslim students of Calcutta marched in unison and organised a ten thousand-strong rally where the Muslim swadeshi Abdur Rasul declared, ‘‘We both Hindus and Mohammadans here belong to the same mother country—Bengal.’’

In Hooghly, the calls of Bande Mataram and Allah-ho-Akbar mingled. Muslim Swadeshi enterprises such as Ghaznavi’sUnited Bengal Company, the Bengal hosiery, and the Bengal Steam Navigation Company played a vital role during the movement. Abul Hussain and Liakat Ali were extremely prominent agitators during the great East India Railway strike of 1906. During the strike, the Muslim locomotive drivers took pledges on the Koran and walked out in their turn in December 1907. The strike went on till the middle of February and was only broken with the help of European drivers loaned from the army.

After the First World War, when the era of mass politics was inaugurated in India, Muslims were not at all lacking in participation. The resolution for complete independence (Poorna Swaraj) was first moved at the 1921 Ahmedabad session of the Indian National Congress by Maulana Hasrat Mohanialong with Swami Kumarananda of the Communist Party of India. B.T. Ranadive records in his article India’s Freedom Struggle published in the journal Social Scientist that ‘‘it was Gandhi who led the opposition to it’’. Similarly, in June 1922, a joint session ofthe Khilafat Committee and Jamiat-ul-Ulema held at Lucknow passed a radical resolution that stated, “The best interests of India and the Muslims demand that in the Congress creed the term 'Swaraj' be substituted by the term 'Complete Independence’’. It should be remembered that the Indian National Congress adopted the complete independence resolution only in December 1929.

The nucleus of the Communist Party of India formed in Tashkent in 1920 consisted mainly of Muslim hijratis who left the fold of the foundering Ottoman Caliphate and made socio-economic emancipation of the Indian masses their goal. Therefore, some of the early Muslim communists went against the euphoria of the age and posed difficult and far-sighted questions to the leadership of Congress. Muzaffar Ahmad, fondly known as Kakababu, was one of the most dedicated members of the Communist Party of India, questioned the concept of Hindu-Muslim unity on the grounds that the leaders who forged this alliance erroneously assumed that the interest of the ordinary people could only be expressed in the idiom of religion.

He implicated the leaders of such movements of dividing the people into communal lines and creating a mentality of communal separation (sampradayik bhedbuddhi), despite the call for communal unity, precisely because of the singular premium put on religious identities and leaving other considerations such as their class and relation to the means of production, out of the question. Kakababu also grasped the class question behind the communalisation of politics.

He argued that communalism from above was a double-edged strategy of the ruling and possessing classes aimed at maximising the internal bargaining position of various upper-class factions while weakening the collective bargaining power of the poor, as the latter responded to communal politics only because they faced dispossession and deprivation in the then existing situation.

This latter point makes Kakababu’swarning extremely relevant for today’s India.

Within the Congress, there was no dearth of tall, and in the case of the great Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, literally ‘tall’ Muslim leaders. In September 1926, Khan established the Khudai Khitmatgars, an overwhelmingly Pashtun corps whose membership was open to Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs. The members were also called Red Shirts, but unlike the fascist Black Shirts and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh White Shirts of today, they did not carry a weapon, not even a lathi. They only spread the message of peace, unity, and non-violence.

It was during the salt march that Khan became most proactive. His subsequent arrest led to the killing of two to three hundred Khudai Khitmatgars. The violence led him to adopt the creed of non-violence in toto. On Gandhi’s call, he went to Bardoli, where he linked non-violence to Islam. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad remained one of the chief Muslim leaders of the anti-colonial nationalist movement whilst working within the Congress. At 35, he served as the youngest President of the Indian National Congress in 1923. Along with this, he was made to suffer multiple incarceration terms by the colonial state.Even the revolutionary movement of India is adorned by the figure of Shaheed Ashfaqullah Khan, who gave up his life whilst being a member of the Hindustan Republican Association (HRA) for the cause of India’s freedom.

To conclude, it is impossible to recount the names of hundreds and thousands of Indian Muslims who fought on the streets against the British empire. The patriotic slogan of Jai Hind was popularised by Zain-ul-Abideenalias Abid Hasanwho was a close associate of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and an officer of the Indian National Army (INA).

Friday, August 2, 2024



𝗟𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻: 1

Name(s) of Faculty Member(s) in the Team: Ms. Noor Ul Huda

Class: IX
Subject: Environmental Education
Unit No.: 10
Chapter No.:
Lesson Name: Our Environment
Duration of the Lesson: 6 hours


1.Plastic Pollution
2.Properties of plastic bags
3.Impact on sea turtles


• Students will understand the complexity of environmental systems and how human activities impact these systems.

• Students will develop scientific literacy, enabling them to understand and analyze environmental data and research.

• Students will enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills by analyzing environmental issues and proposing solutions.

• Students will develop collaboration and teamwork skills by working together on projects and activities.


• Critical Thinking
• Problem Solving
• Social and Ethical Competency


1.Plastic Pollution:

Definition: Plastic pollution refers to the accumulation of plastic objects and particles (e.g., plastic bottles, bags, and microbeads) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans.

Sources: Plastic bags are a significant source of plastic pollution. They are used widely for shopping and packaging, often ending up in landfills, waterways, and oceans.
Properties of Plastic Bags:

Material: Plastic bags are typically made from polyethylene, a petroleum-derived polymer.

Durability: They are lightweight, strong, and resistant to degradation, which makes them persistent in the environment.

Non-biodegradability: Plastic bags do not decompose naturally, leading to long-term pollution.

2.Pathways of Plastic Pollution:

Littering: Improper disposal of plastic bags can lead to litter, which is then carried by wind or water into natural environments.

Ocean Currents: Plastic bags can travel vast distances through ocean currents, contributing to marine debris in remote areas.

3.Impact on Marine Ecosystems:

Marine Debris: Plastic bags contribute to the growing problem of marine debris, affecting all oceanic regions.

Habitat Disruption: Accumulation of plastic debris disrupts marine habitats, affecting the biodiversity and health of the ecosystem.

4.Impact on Sea Turtles:

Ingestion: Sea turtles often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, a primary food source. Ingesting plastic can cause internal blockages, malnutrition, and death.

Entanglement: Sea turtles can become entangled in plastic bags, leading to restricted movement, injury, or drowning.

Chemical Contamination: Plastics can leach harmful chemicals into the ocean, which can then be ingested by sea turtles and other marine organisms, affecting their health and reproductive success.

5.Conservation Efforts:

Waste Management: Proper waste management practices, including recycling and reducing plastic bag use, are crucial in combating plastic pollution.

Legislation: Many regions have implemented bans or fees on plastic bags to reduce their usage.

Community Actions: Beach clean-ups, public education, and promoting the use of reusable bags are effective community-driven efforts to mitigate plastic pollution.


1.Learning Outcomes:

Students will understand the impact of plastic pollution on animals through case studies, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills related to environmental issues.

Students will understand the specific impact of plastic bags on sea turtles, analyze the causes and consequences, and explore potential solutions to this environmental issue.

Students will learn how to use mathematical concepts to understand and analyze data related to plastic pollution.

2.Tools/Material/Resources Needed:

• Whiteboard and markers
• Projector and computer
• Internet access for research
• Case study handouts on sea turtles and plastic bags
• Worksheets for group activity
• Videos on sea turtles and plastic pollution
• Poster-making supplies (paper, markers, etc.)


Introduction to Plastics and Their Impact on Wildlife:


Start with a brief overview of plastics, including their types and common uses in everyday life.
Show a short video on plastic pollution in oceans and its general environmental effects (e.g., National Geographic's "Plastic or Planet?").


• Share statistics on global plastic waste generation.

• Explain how plastics end up in oceans and other ecosystems using diagrams and real-world examples.

Case Study Introduction:

• Introduce the idea of a case study and its use in examining real-world issues.

• Present the case study of sea turtles and plastic bags, explaining how sea turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, which can lead to ingestion and potential fatal outcomes.

Group Activity Setup:

• Divide students into small groups, assigning each group the case study of sea turtles and plastic bags.

• Hand out case study materials and worksheets.

• Instruct students to read through the case study, answer guided questions, and prepare a presentation of their findings.

Solution Brainstorming:

• Facilitate a brainstorming session where students propose ways to reduce plastic pollution and mitigate its effects on wildlife.

• Record all suggestions on the whiteboard, categorizing them into feasible and long-term solutions.

Poster-Making Activity:

• Provide materials for poster-making.

• Each group will create a poster that summarizes their case study and suggests solutions to plastic pollution.

• Display the posters around the classroom or school to raise awareness.

Value-Based Learning:

• Develop an understanding of environmental issues and the importance of maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

• Promote personal and collective responsibility for environmental stewardship.

• Encourage empathy towards wildlife affected by pollution.

• Foster respect for all living beings and the natural environment.

• Teach sustainable living practices and the significance of reducing plastic use.


• Context: Plastic pollution is a critical environmental issue, and analyzing the annual increase in plastic waste can help predict future trends.

• Problem Statement: In 2020, the world generated about 300 million tons of plastic waste. If this increases by 8 million tons each year, create a linear equation to model this situation and use it to estimate the amount of plastic waste in 2030.


Define Variables:

• Let y represent the total amount of plastic waste in millions of tons.
• Let x represent the number of years since 2020.
• Formulate the Linear Equation:
• The initial amount of plastic waste in 2020 (when x=0) is 300 million tons.
• The annual increase in plastic waste is 8 million tons.
• The linear equation is: y = 300 + 8x

Predict Future Plastic Waste:

To find the amount of plastic waste in 2030, calculate x for the year 2030.
x = 2030 - 2020 = 10

Calculate the Prediction:

Substitute x = 10 into the linear equation: y = 300 + 8(10) y = 300 + 80 y = 380

Thus, the predicted amount of plastic waste in 2030 is 380 million tons.


Write a reflection essay on what they have learned about plastic pollution and its effects on wildlife, including any personal actions they plan to take to reduce plastic waste.


Ensure Permissions, Safety, and Supervision:
Secure all necessary parental consent before starting the activities.

Confirm that safety measures are in place, including providing first aid kits and ensuring students are dressed appropriately for the activity, with sun protection if needed.

Make sure there is adequate supervision throughout the activities and that every student has the chance to engage, share their ideas, and participate fully.


Group Activities and Discussions: Evaluate students based on their active participation and contributions during group activities and discussions.

Group Presentations: Assess the quality and clarity of the group's presentations, including their ability to communicate their findings effectively.

Poster-Making Activity: Judge the creativity and accuracy of the posters, including how well they summarize the case study and proposed solutions.

Reflective Essays: Review essays for a demonstrated understanding of the topic and personal engagement with the issue of plastic pollution and its impact on wildlife.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024



Where ever a process is involved procedure of managing the process can be drawn out. Across the institutions and within in an institution itself similar works where the same process is involved, a well-drawn out SOP provides clarity and standard. These SOPs provide how a process can be carried out in an effective and efficient manner.

▪️CBSE has brought out some Essential Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) required for Affiliation which include:              

1) Composite Science Laboratory 2) Physics laboratory 3) Biology 4) Chemistry Laboratory 5) Mathematics Laboratory 6) Computer science Laboratory 7) Library and 8) Sports Infrastructure.  (Link to all these SOPs are attached for reference). CBSE also releases SOPs related to conduct of examinations, practical assessments, procedures of registrations etc.

Working for the similar goal, usually schools follow multiple similar operations, with a little bit of difference in implementation procedure.  However, the procedures to handle these processes are based on written down documents or verbal directions and simply the practices as being followed.  

The areas for which these SOPs are required include School Transport Management, School clinics or Infirmary, School Assembly proceedings, Safety Procedures and Emergency evacuation Policy, Academic management, Personnel Management (selection, induction, appraisal and promotion, disciplinary procedures, retention policy, exit interviews). The list can be manifold.

In a world of heterogeneity where there are hundreds of schools, managing different strata under different conditions, yet aligned to a common goal, that is the holistic development of the future bearers, with safety and dignity, there is no harm in handholding each other in terms of sharing what is best with them and where we all need to improve, since the best form of education is to bring about a change in and around ourselves.

When educationists share their best practices it helps others to reflect and improve their performance of handling the various processes in a more effective manner, and hence intentionally or unintentionally contribute to the development of  a better world.

Although, some institutions may not feel comfortable to share their documents as it may violate the non-disclosure policy the institution has, yet without the institutional credential in the documents, certain guidelines or practices relating to any particular area or situation can be communicated as a success story or situational procedure that can benefit a larger group.

This will not only enhance the understanding of administrators and leaders helping them modify the presently followed policies but will  also bring in a better standard in the educational sector regarding various processes involved in their operations without compromising the individual specific requirements.

When good practices are shared  usually it generates a discussion  among members who come across it,  followed by sharing of thoughts ,suggestions and advice ultimately setting  common standards which can be  followed by all.

This can prove very beneficial in few instances which usually are not much known to the institutions as such or in vulnerable situations where even well-established institutions could panic. For example, what are the procedures to be followed in case a school bus meets an accident? In such situations, a better understanding of the procedures to be followed, steps to go with like first the rescue, first aid, safety, shifting to hospital for treatment, Information to parents, information to authorities and legal proceedings and be very helpful to handle the situation.

Thus sharing such practices in a large group cannot only disseminate important information but also edify institutions to handle it confidently and proficiently.


In the sustainable Development Goals of 2030, one of the major goals is the Quality Education towards achieving Global Excellence. This is remarkably one among the major objectives of NEP 2020. SQAA covers seven domains which are the key performing areas for any educational institution with the first domain - Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment bearing 40 % weightage and all other six domains having a 10 % weightage each.

The other domains are Infrastructure, Human resources, Inclusive practices, Management and Governance, Leadership and Beneficiary Satisfaction. While an institution assesses itself, it needs to present evidences and how these processes are operated needs to be proved with evidences of formats being used and pictures supporting the activities etc. It is here the SOPs too become important.  

Earlier it was commonly understood as a Quality Assessment and Accreditation and it lead to lots of speculations among the school leaders. Hence to remove the stigma of threat and fear of what if not qualified for accreditation, the word Accreditation is replaced with ASSURANCE.

The purpose of SQAA is a planned and continuous improvement of each institution. The SQAA Manual has already been shared before and the link is attached for the reference.

(About the writer: Johnson P J (Principal), GD Goenka Public School, Srinagar)

Monday, April 22, 2024




Set clear expectations first thing and reinforce them often during the first month of school. Emphasize processes and routines, and follow through on expectations and consequences consistently. Remember, it’s easier to pull back and be less strict than it is to become more strict when it comes to classroom management.


So many unexpected hiccups can derail your best-laid plans, so design with flexibility top of your mind and an eraser in hand. Writing plans on mini sticky notes is also helpful.
Consider making your plan book digital as well, so it’s always easy to organize, edit, sort, and search for the resources you need.

3-MAKE #besties

Establish strong relationships early on with the front office assistants and the custodians, as you will need them in your court countless times week in and week out (if not daily). They have eyes and ears on all aspects of the school community, and they will be your go-to ally in many instances, promise.

Give yourself the gift of not having to know everything. Don’t be afraid ask ask ask questions of veteran teachers you trust. PLUS, the office manager and the custodian can save you, make friends with them!


A dust buster, a Mr. Clean Eraser, and a fragrant plug-in will keep your classroom in tip-top shape on a day-to-day basis. However, please keep allergens in mind when it comes to fragrances! Remember to check school policies before introducing any scented products.


Best PD might be right down the hallway. Don’t be afraid to ask your fellow teachers for feedback or help when you need it or when you feel overwhelmed. They won’t think less of you! And, all the teachers I’ve worked with have always bent over backward to help if I asked for it.

There are no stupid questions, only answers. No matter who asks, the teacher or the student.


Organize one master copy of your printed materials — lessons, worksheets, and resources — in plastic sleeves. Put those sleeves in sequential order, pair them with lesson plans and notes, and group them thematically in labelled binders that can be on a shelf within reach.


Consider ways to cut back on paper use and save that tree by using digital alternatives on Nearpod such as Draw It, Drag and Drop, and more to support classroom activities and collaboration.

You can also seek out local companies to donate, put in requests with, or ask your classroom families to contribute, but you will go through a lot of paper in any given school year, and the worst is having plans but then running out of paper for copies.


Regardless of your students’ ages, go all out in decorating and covering classroom walls with colourful learning resources and rotating student work. You all spend hours in your room, so treat it like a second home that you all want to take care of.


A staple remover will save your fingers and fingernails! This handy dandy little plastic contraption will be your new best friend. Invest in more than one sense those little guys can easily be misplaced or lost.


Invest in several rolls of blue or green painter’s tape instead of masking tape to adhere student work to the walls. Regularly change out so kids can see their hard work appreciated. However, when true staying power is needed, especially on those concrete classroom walls, turn to ever-impressive duct tape.


Vary the colours of the pens you use when reviewing work so that kids don’t associate being wrong with colour. Create a robust feedback loop by considering other ways to provide feedback besides with a pen, like video feedback or a face-to-face conference. Cultivate the mindset of “failing forward,” and remember that a sticker (for all ages) goes a long way when it comes to recognition!


Research ways to help channel children’s attention — put a strip of Velcro under desks for some tactile stimulation, add a red card to the corner of desks for focus, use exercise balls instead of chairs, and practice group breathing exercises to help kids embrace mindfulness.


Discover what kinds of music your students like as background noise, which can help drown out other distracting classroom noises while everyone works. Look for playlists on Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Prime Music, or other streaming sources, or simply make your own and play from any digital device. Music can help calm anxiety, soothe feelings, and lift moods.


Sounds simple enough, but do find the time to get to know your students on a personal level. Have them fill out a questionnaire, conduct mini-conferences, and reach out to their families continuously throughout the year to establish an authentic relationship. You can use Nearpod’s Polls or Collaborate Board to conduct questionnaires and collect feedback. Weave in social and emotional learning (SEL) moments with your students in your daily instruction to reinforce relationship building. 
Relationships matter! Get to know the ins and outs of your students and their families! Making those connections from the start will make for a successful school year and carry you through the thick and thin! It’s as simple as knowing your student’s favourite sports team or what they enjoy doing on the weekend. Those little things go a long way!


Your students will thrive with it, your families will appreciate it, your administration will expect it, and don’t worry — there’s enough good daily drama within classrooms that your day will never be boring!


Have a sub folder ready to go with the practical notes about your students and their schedules, plus a host of turnkey activities that a substitute teacher can use in your absence; especially for those unplanned ones.

We’ve compiled a list of tips to make sub teacher plans a smoother experience for classroom teachers, substitute teachers, and students.


Don’t bring (too much) work home with you. Teachers’ prep and grading work is never done, so do try to set strict limits so that you have a balanced work-home life.


In this day and age, seek out recommended ways to hone your craft. Consider reading the Wong’s tried-and-true handbook, The First Days of School: How to Be An Effective Teacher. Discover the many free options such as listening to educator podcasts, subscribing to blogs, registering for webinars, or taking an online course.

Friendly reminder to register for Camp Engage, Nearpod’s free virtual professional development for educators! Camp Engage happens several times a year – around February, July, and November.


Giving out your phone number may be a controversial tip, but I relied on my phone both as a way for students to reach me so that they were never left with unanswered questions and so that I could simply connect with their caregivers to share a good story.

You can also use a parent communication app like Remind or ClassDojo. You can also create a Google Phone number that you can discontinue at any time.

I would suggest seeing if there’s one that is commonly used in your building that the parents are used to, in addition to seeing which platform offers the best options that you’d like it to do.


Share your great ideas so your colleagues will be willing to too, but remember what a treasure trove Pinterest is — so much inspiration can be found for creative activities in a single photo. 


Accept that you will make mistakes, veteran teachers do too. Learn from them and move on.

[About the Author: Ms. Priya Durairaj M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil.,Principal, Lotus International school]

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

21 Things Every 21st Century Teacher Should Do This Year

21 Things Every 21st Century Teacher Should Do This Year

A new school year always brings about new ideas and hopeful ambition for teachers. However, it’s almost 2023. Gone are the days when we can use the excuse that “we don’t do technology”.  Part of being a teacher in the 21st century is being creative in integrating academics and learning into student’s digital lives. With access to content being ubiquitous and instant in student’s out of school lives, we can either reject their world for our more traditional one, or embrace it.

While some of the ideas that follow may seem a bit trendy, it’s never hurts to model ways to interact with all this new media as a covert way of teaching digital literacy and citizenship.   The great news is, you don’t need every student to have a device to make these happen. Heck, in most cases all you would need is a single smart phone.  All you need is an open mind and some student-led creative thinking.

And so, I present the 21 things every 21st century teacher should try in their classroom this year:

1. Post a question of the week on your class blog

One of the best ways to engage student (and family) interaction with your classroom is to have a class blog.  While these are becoming more common, I like the trend of having a weekly student “guest author” write up the ideas and learning objectives discussed in class.  This is also a good place to discuss appropriate commenting behavior on blogs and websites.

2. Have a class twitter account to post a tweet about the day’s learning

Just like a blog only smaller.  Nominate a “guest tweeter” and have them summarize the day’s learning in 140 characters or less. Then ask parents to follow the account so they can also get a little insight into the happenings of the school day.

3. Make a parody of a hit song

The ultimate form of flattery is imitation.  The ultimate form of stardom is when Weird Al makes a parody of your song.  Why not take that to an creative level and have students re-write lyrics to their favorite hit or a popular tune?  Sure, this might take more time than it’s worth academically, but the collaborative sharing and engaging aspect of producing such a thing can be a positive.  Who knows, maybe someone in history class will remake “Chaka Khan” into “Genghis Khan” or something like this classic:

4. Create an infographic as a review

Those clever little graphics are appearing everywhere from popular mechanics to Cosmopolitan. Why not make one as a way to help visual learners review and remember information?

5. Go paperless for a week

Depending on your grade level, this might be harder than you think. Even in a 1:1 district we still print or have need to print things from time to time.  The idea behind this challenge is see if you can figure out ways to make things more digital.  Maybe instead of a newsletter you print and send home, you write a blog or send a MailChimp?  Or instead of asking kids to write and peer-edit each other’s papers, you ask them to share a Google doc?   If your students don’t have devices, then challenge yourself to try this personally for a month.

6. Have a “No Tech Day” just for nostalgia’s sake

And then have your students blog about the experience.

7. Create your own class hashtag

Tell your students and their parents about the hashtag and have them post ideas, photos, and questions to it.  It’s a great way to get people from not only in your class but also around the world to contribute to your class conversation. You can also use this with your blog posts (#1) or classroom tweets (#2). Bonus points if you use something like visible tweets to display your posts in your class.

8. Create a list to encourage democracy in your class.

It could be as simple as a list of choices for a project or something as grand as what is one thing you want to learn about this year?  Whatever the choice, use  to create a crowd-sourced voting list and let your students have some say in their learning!

9. Integrate Selfies into your curriculum

This one might take some outside the box thinking,  but I’m guessing that there are students in your class that could come up with a creative way to do this.  Maybe take a selfie next to a science experiment? Or a selfie with an A+ paper? #SuperStudent

10. Curate a class Pinterest account 

Pinterest is a great visible way to curate resources but why not create a class account that has a different board based on projects throughout the year.  Add students as collaborators and let them post their projects to the board.  You could also have a board on gathering resources and information for a topic which would be a good time to mention what is and what isn’t a valid resource?

11. AppSmash Something

Besides just fun to say, you should definitely take multiple apps on whatever device you use and smash them together into a project.  

12. Participate in a Twitter Chat

Twitter can be like drinking information from a fire house at times, but finding a good twitter chat on a topic and participating can be a great way to learn and grow as a teacher.  

13. Make part of your classroom “Augmented”

Why not make take an app like Aurasma and hide some easter eggs around your room? You could make them about a project or just secret nuggets about you.  It’ll keep kids (and parents during back to school night) engaged and turn dead space in your classroom into an interactive learning opportunity.  Need some ideas?  

14. Create a recipe on to make your life easier

With all of these tools and social media platforms, it might be a good idea to create some ways to automate tasks in your classroom. has some great pre-made “recipes” to combine some of your accounts into simple workflow solutions.  

15. Create a Class Instagram Account 

Have a daily student photographer who’s job is to post an example of something your class/students did that day. If you don’t want to mess with “do not publish” lists, you could ask that it be of an object or artifact, not a person.  This would also be a good time to talk about when and how to ask permission to take someone’s photo.  Mix in your class hashtag(#7), throw in an IFTTT (#14)recipe, and all the sudden you can also auto-post selfies (#9) to your class Pinterest board (#10)

16. Perform in a LipDub Video 

This can be either a solo project or for even greater effect, tie in your parody song (#3) and have your students act out their learning throughout the video.  Don’t forget to hashtag it. Bonus points if said video goes viral like this one:

17. Make a class book

The ease with which you can publish books now is amazing.  Using a tool like Book Creator or iBooks Author, you can publish to the iBooks store or Amazon.  

18. Participate in a Mystery Hangout

This sounds a lot scarier than it is but essentially think of playing the game 20 questions with another classroom somewhere in the world. It’s a great way to increase cultural and global awareness and you could event invite the other class to add to your Pinterest board (#10), vote on your (#8), comment on your blog (#1) or maybe co-collaborate on an eBook (#17).

19. Produce a class Audio podcast

Have students create a podcast highlighting classroom activities, projects or students. That way mom and dad can listen to the weekly recap while going on their evening walk or driving to work.

20. GHO on Air with an expert

With so many resources and experts available, it only makes sense to bring in someone from “the real world”. This not only creates interest in the topic, it adds an air of authenticity.  Using Google Hangouts On Air means you can record this session on the fly and post it to your class site or embed it on your blog to generate discussion at home.

21. Become an activist for a worthy cause.

If the AI can teach us anything, it’s that sometimes a little creativity is all you need to awareness to a cause. Whether it’s helping a country in need or finding a cure for a disease,  our new connected society can be a powerful thing when galvanized for good.  Participating in a global project gives students perspective on their own lives while helping others with their own life challenges.

BONUS – Let your students drive the learning

While you could do all of these challenges by yourself, the real power comes in letting students own a piece of it.  They have the curiosity and the digital acumen, it’s the teacher’s job to give them instructional focus and empowerment.  We live in wonderfully connected times.  Despite all of technology’s perceived misgivings and the fears that we are losing ourselves as a society, why not use some of this power for good?

Just know that as a teacher in the 21st century you ultimately hold the key to unleash this creative beast.  So try something on the list this year that may force you a bit out of your comfort zone because there is no better way to learn than trying.

Just be sure you blog about it when you are finished as learning in isolation helps no one.

Oh….and be sure to hashtag it.


Thanks to @sjunkins


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