Monday, November 12, 2018

Impact of Early years of childhood on the holistic development of the children…

Early years of childhood play an important and significant role in the holistic and all round development of the children.
Undoubtedly, the genes are the determining factor for their personality development, but environment can’t be ignored.
The genes we inherit from our parents are limited whereas the brain’s ability to develip billions of new connections between the cells it is born with, is infinite
Education, knowledge, learning and experience, greatly influence the number of these connections.
The same will become much clearer if we study the life history of some of the world famous personalities very closely, to name a few, Mozart and Leonardo da Vinci.
1. Mozart: His father, a court musician in Australia, recognised his talent at a very early age, supported, guided and provided him a platform to interact with the renowned musicians of the days and the result; child Mozart started enjoying the fame.
2. Leonardo da Vinci: His parents could also recognise his immense talent at a very early stage, motivated and helped him join the studio of a renowned artist as an apprentice and soon he developed his artistic skiils and talents and went on to become an artist par excellence.
It takes two to make a genius.
One of the greatest myths about genius is that they are born, instantly recognised and that’s all.
But, that’s not the case. It takes two to make a genius. A person born with some talent or gift needs someone from the society not only to see it, but also to believe in it, recognise and then help it groom to the fullest.
In order to ensure the holistic development of the children,
1. Talents/gifts amongst the children need to be identified.
2. All kinds of opportunities and exposure should be provided to them to nurture and groom the talent so identified to the fullest.
3. Parental support is a must.
4. Due recogntion and appreciation have to be rendered to the children from time to time by the school, teachers and the parents so as to keep their morale high.


  1. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒI completely agree with you.
    Most anti social elements have a back ground where they don't have proper or happy childhood.

  2. Holistic development is affected by the environment from the moment it's development stage of embryo. Mother's emotions, her diet and thought has impact from sixth week of conception. The example of Mozart and Leonardo da Vinci is added effort of parents to recognise the talent and provide correct training for the same.Genius are lost in absence of correct course provided they are identified at right time and get directions from the masters in the subject. Sometimes parents get misguided by little shades of talent and at other times they want to impose their own wishes on the child under the impression that only environment will make it a genius or a gifted child.


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