Monday, March 25, 2019


Parenting is a skill. The couple or say wife & husband are raised in position to parenthood only with the birth of their offspring. The couple is blessed by either a girl or a boy or even both only by the will & wish of Allah swt. They are blessed with children -  one, many or sometimes by none if Allah swt so wishes. Surely parenthood is a great blessing from Allah swt to the couple and a precious gift to handle too.
Parenting, i.e Caring for and raising children in a manner to please Allah swt is the sacred duty of every parent and a difficult task too.  In fact, Allah swt reminds us in the Holy Quran that children may even be a great trial for their parents.  The triumphs and tribulations of life are a test and children are no exception.  Children can bring great joy and at times they can bring great sadness as well.
Your wealth and your children are only a trial, whereas God, with Him is a great reward (Paradise).” (Quran 64:15)
It is time now to understand the delicate role of parenthood and the responsibilities that it carries in raising or say grooming the progeny.
Prophet Muhammad said,
“Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock. The parents are like the shepherd to their flocks i.e. children. They are like the gardener to the flowers of their garden. Therefore a constant effort and mindful parenting should be made to make our children the means of charity for our life in hereafter.
Owing to their responsibilities towards their children ,Parents should make Dua like of Zakariyah a.s. who pleaded with Allah swt to bless him with pious progeny; Like of Ibrahim a.s. who made Dua for an obedient son, for patience and perseverance and like Yaqoob a.s. who sought for his children’s unity, understanding & Taqwa. Parents should always make Dua to Allah swt to seek their children’s protection from shaitan & all the evils of the world like what  our Prophet Mohammad ( s a s ) did for his children, grandchildren and for his ummah.
Lets introspect if we are prepared for mindful parenting ?
We believe that every  child is born submitting to its creator with  the innate inclination to love and worship Him.  It is we, the parents who choose to give him / her a different religion or a character beneficial or harmful to himself or to the society.
Hence, Parenting needs a system, a scientific approach and a proven style to raise the children to be successful in living and pleasing the creator as well. It's important to ensure the parenting style is supporting healthy growth, morality and development that influences the child for the rest of his / her life.
Fearing their newly gained responsibility, Parents tend to impose rules and enforce discipline on their children. Children who grow up with such strict authoritarian parents tend to follow rules much of the time but, their obedience comes at a price.Children of the authoritarian parenting refuse to consider their child’s feelings, emotions or capacities. They are at a higher risk of development self-esteem problems because their opinions are never valued. They become hostile or aggressive. They may grow to dislike their parents and to become good liars to avoid punishment.
The thumb rule to groom children is to be compassionate with them as shown by our prophet Mohammad s.a.s .It will help them to grow with love, respect and influence them with manners.
Compassionate parents will instill self esteem in children and escalate understanding for themselves and for their peers. They are nurtured to be responsible and caring individuals.
It is necessary to enforce rules and give consequences in a way to make the child see the world and understand it to handle it safely. Children of authoritative parents are well raised with reasons, ways to solve problems and bank on elders for assistance. They work in co operation and co ordination pooling in their and their elders skills and abilities. Their end result is greater productivity and higher satisfaction.
Authoritative parents walk their talk. They invest time and energy into preventing behavior problems and use positive discipline strategies to reinforce healthy behavior, like praise and reward systems. Their disciplinary actions result in further learning .Such children develop leadership qualities and skills to excel in today’s competitive world. Creating and maintaining a positive relationship with the child like the authoritative parent will surely influence the child’s living and strengthens his soul too.
On the other hand, we have parents who set rules for their children but rarely enforce them. They are more lenient, least interfering in children’s activities and more a friend than a parent. Children of such Permissive parenting result in sadness of life, have health issues ,  poor academics and develop non appreciation attitude towards rules or authority. Their expectations are high and so is their level of unsatisfaction. Such children think that everything in the world can be achieved by bullying or buying.
Therefore, it is advisable for parents to blend the parenting style that will enforce Compassion and provide  them with chances for Consultation, Cooperation, Confidentiality & judicial control. Parents should integrate Clarity of thoughts & values, Consistency of instructions and adhere to commitments. They should encourage Charity; develop coolness, calmness ,courage & confidence in  children’s personality and drive  them through creativity to beautify living with strong fundamentals of deen and love of their creator.
Parents should set the clock of Islam in their living style.Stories of heroes from ISLAM with noble characters and high moral values should constantly ring into the ears of their children.
Parents should avoid forcing children into nonproductive competitions , Comparisons, Control and  Criticism. They should keep their children away from Corruption, Confusions, Contradictions, Carelessness , Colonization and Consumerism.
The GOLDEN RULE  for Mindful Parenting is thus coined out of the most loving four letter word LOVE, i.e
Lastly, Parents must make regular DUA to make children the coolness of their eyes, source of benefit & peace for them.
Samina Yasmeen- The National UN Volunteer
Cell : 9848131453
Email :

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Special education - challenges

Special education presents one of the major challenges facing school leaders in this era of comprehensive school reform.
Today, schools must provide students with disabilities appropriate access to the general curriculum and effective instructional support. Student progress must be monitored closely and demonstrated through participation in assessment efforts.
Research suggests that the principal’s role is pivotal in the special education process; however, few school leaders are well prepared for this responsibility. This blog will clearly examines key leadership issues related to effective special education and reviews emerging standards for principal performance to determine the knowledge and skills that effective school leaders need.
For more than a quarter of a century, schools have been challenged to meet both the intent and the spirit of federal laws regarding the education of students with disabilities.
Special education has evolved from primarily segregated learning environments--often characterized by low academic expectations, social isolation for students and their teachers, and a curriculum poorly aligned with general education. Today, special education is viewed less as a place and more as an integrated system of academic and social supports designed to help students with disabilities succeed within least restrictive environments (LRE) (Council for Exceptional Children [CEC]. For most children and youth with disabilities, this means that the vast majority of their learning takes place in general education classrooms.
At the same time, our nation has also embraced a far-reaching set of academic school reforms designed to make schools more rigorous learning environments. Virtually all states have adopted comprehensive academic standards. Most are implementing corresponding measures that hold students and professionals accountable for higher performances.These high-stakes measures are affecting critical dimensions of school life, such as grade promotion, graduation, professional tenure, and school and district accreditation.
As the pressures in schools mount, many have questioned the impact these efforts are having on students with disabilities and others at risk for academic failure. Specifically, are low-achieving students benefiting from academic reform efforts, or are many left behind as teachers and administrators feel pressured to concentrate on those who have a greater likelihood of passing high-stakes assessments. That is, given limited time, few support resources, and growing public scrutiny, Research has demonstrated that principals who focus on instructional issues, demonstrate
administrative support for special education, and provide high-quality professional development for teachers produce enhanced outcomes for students with disabilities and for others at risk for school failure.
Thus the extent of administrative support affects the extent to which teachers and specialists develop and implement interventions designed to improve student performance.One of the greatest challenges in schools is the lack of qualified special education teacher. As performance expectations for all students continue to rise, many educators are poorly prepared to provide effective academic support for those with disabilities. For example, it is estimated that as many as half of all new special educators leave the field within the first three years as a result of poor administrative support, poor preparation, complex job responsibilities, and overwhelming paperwork requirements. Consequently, many states and local systems must hire individuals to serve as emergency special education teachers who lack the essential knowledge and skills needed to meet the complex challenges they face.For example, there are more than 1,000 provisional special education teachers working. Although these educators have three years to complete the necessary course work required for certification, many become quickly overwhelmed by their job responsibilities and quit before their provisional certificate time limit expires.
A recent study found that building-level support from principals and general educators had strong effects on “virtually all critical aspects of (special education) teachers’ working conditions”. The values and supportive actions of principals and general educators, as mediated by overall school culture, influence special educators’ sense of collegial support. As a result of growing concerns about special education teacher attrition, various professional organizations now emphasize the importance of the principal’s role in effective special education. For example the state  recently published a guide designed to help principals implement IDEA effectively.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
This document is based on the premise that effective principals ensure that diverse needs of students and their families are addressed through five major elements of school: organization, curriculum and instruction, professional development, climate, and student assessment. Administrators who clearly understand the needs of students with disabilities, and the instructional challenges that educators who work with students with disabilities face are better prepared to provide appropriate support. Leaders understand the importance of well-designed learning and working environments and can facilitate the development of appropriate student placements and specialist assignments that represent student and classroom support needs accurately.
In summary, effective leaders are committed to the success of all students and collaborate with others to achieve this aim. In these schools, classroom heterogeneity is the norm; classrooms are not structured t structured to provide a few unofficial dumping grounds for students with challenging needs. Skillful principals invest the time necessary to devise policies and procedures that facilitate classroom support (e.g., specific human and material resources, relevant information, role flexibility, shared leadership opportunities, decision-making power) that enables teams to perform their jobs successfully. For example, with limited fiscal resources, effective principals foster collaboration and classroom communication by ensuring classroom teachers and specialists have regularly scheduled common planning time to address instructional needs and classroom concerns.

Evolution of Principal 's role

Evolution of Principal 's role
Until the 1970s, the principal’s job was quite clearly, although narrowly, defined: principals served as building managers and student disciplinarians. During the 1970s, their roles began evolving, in large measure, because of emerging research on effective schools.This work showed that principal functions were linked directly to student achievement,even in high-poverty schools that faced complex challenges. Specifically, effective principals developed learning communities that emphasized high academic standards and expectations; shared leadership and collaboration; continuity of high-quality instructional programs;and effective communication. As the principal’s role changed, the term instructional leadership emerged to describe a broad set of principal roles and responsibilities that addressed many of the workplace needs of successful teachers.
Over the past 30 years, the importance of effective instructional leadership has continued to be well documented in the literature. Indeed, Peterson and Deal (1998) contend that principals are the key to shaping a positive school culture. Effective principals skillfully engage stakeholders, e.g., students, teachers, specialists, paraprofessionals, other support personnel, families, business partners. Together they develop child-centered communities that are based on shared values and beliefs, a coherent vision of the future, and a mission to educate all students well.
These leaders see themselves as stewards and coaches in the development of a school culture of
inclusiveness National Association of State Boards of Education [NASBE], 1992; National Council on Disability [NCD], 1995; National Research Council [NRC], 1997; NSDC, 2001). Effective principals encourage teacher leadership, team learning, flexibility, and collegial self-governance. As such,they emphasize innovation, collaboration, and professional growth. They maintain a clear focus on powerful academic outcomes for all learners.Of particular relevance to this discussion, in a study of 22 schools implementing inclusive education practices for students with disabilities,It was  found that administrative leadership was the most powerful predictor of positive teacher attitudes about this process. Similar findings have been reported in other research related to teacher attitude and teacher attrition.
Schools that embrace significant and lasting changes engage in a process of reculturing in which new expectations, structures, and patterns emerge to support initiatives. Principals play critical roles as facilitators in reculturing efforts, which are recognized as the sine qua non of progress. That is, their commitment and leadership provide support and reassurance for teachers, students, specialists, and others about the value of their efforts.They reinforce their stakeholders’efforts by addressing tough issues that arise and recognizing the efforts of others.
Studies of effective schools have identified five instructional leadership priorities of effective.
(a) defining and communicating the school’s educational mission,
(b) managing curriculum and instruction, (c) supporting and supervising teaching, (d) monitoring student progress, and
(e) promoting a learning climate.
These priorities keep effective administrators focused on student learning and professional development. As a result, effective leaders are familiar with current research, find necessary resources, make well reasoned judgments regarding students’ programs, mentor new teachers, provide professional opportunities for all staff members, and evaluate teacher performance.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


The goal of providing education to the Ghanaian is to equip the Ghanaian with the skill and tool that enhances his/her innate potential to be able to fit into the society, thereby contributing meaningfully towards the development of the country.
Many policies have been formulated from the pre-colonial era to our present times all geared towards making education better suited to solving the developmental challenges of the time.
However, the current trends in results of students who sit the WASSCE and BECE give a worrying concern to those who are indeed concern.
Many questions that are boiling in mind and for which I want to share with readers and to which I believe will elicit sincerity and truthfulness are:
1. When did we arrive at this deadly point?
2. What have been the driving forces that facilitated this urge?
3. What is next as we continue to slip into this deep tunnel with no end on sight?
4. What is indeed the future of our future leaders?
As you ponder on these questions, permit me to say that as Ghanaians, we have been taught and  trained whether directly or indirectly not to question authority and as such, we have become timid to  ask  questions especially when it has to do with an elderly person or someone in authority.
Sadly, this has consolidated the egos of these few in authority to ride on the society with ‘lies’ and entrenched position of not being questioned.
Our society in the midst of all these lies, has become somewhat ignorant as to where we are currently, how did we get here and where will our next destination be in education especially pre-tertiary education?
The few ‘shouts’ who seek to find answers to their worries are thwarted by the powers that be to the detriment of ceasing the opportunity of reforming the status quo to enable the vulnerable succeed within a well reformed and resourced pre-tertiary educational system.
It is interesting to observe how the labour unions in education  who are the implementers of educational policies have been quiet of late even in the midst of the  state’s inability or lukewarm attitude towards providing the essential tools needed for excellent education delivery at the pre-tertiary level in the country.
In most cases the National Media Commission is not seen in the light of these shortfalls in our education delivery. Come to think of the programmes they are believed to have censored and the time of their delivery by the various net works or television stations. It will do us all good, if they are also factored into the equation to awaken them to assess the effect of their “sleeping” attitude of duty on mother Ghana.
Sadly, our society’s moral fibre has also collapsed or is on the verge of collapsing as a result of lack of effective parenting and neglect of ensuring the best of Social Welfare System that facilitates the harmonization of the best cultural values; unite the family and promote societal ownership of the child.
Collectively, we know our sickness and the over blaming of the teacher is just an act of shifting the goal post of assessing the individual roles as components of the rectangle (STATE AGENCIES, TEACHER, PARENTS/SOCIETY/ CSOs and STUDENT) in our educational delivery system.
Indeed if we champion openness and fairness without being subjected to threats, intimidations and assurance of trust and truthfulness shall we be blessed with moral evolution of excellence in our educational delivery system? Your guess is as good as mine.
We must note that our inability to sincerely and truthfully initiate mechanisms and systems to address this mess shall give birth to threats to our own safety and security as a society and a country. The time has come for an action to be taken and I know there are committed and hidden individuals who are willing to profess and share their thoughts and resources to arrest this canker as early as possible.

(The International Volunteer for education and social services.

Water conservation

Educate the younger generation to Conserve Water..the wonderful Water!
Conserving water is important because it keeps water pure and clean while protecting the environment. Conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible. ... Only 2% of the Earth's fresh supply of water is locked in ice caps and glaciers, while 97,5% of the earth's water is saltwater
In Ethiopia, health care providers are having a hard time helping people with solvable diseases because it is so hard to access water. ... To avoid having these same water-shortage problems in our well-to-do cities, it is important to teach kids water conservation so that they grow up with good water-usage habits.
Children are born curious. They are interested and excited to know about the natural world and what happens in it. Most of them are also instinctively drawn to animals, especially small, fluffy, cute ones. Using their natural curiosity and love of animals is a great way to teach kids
Take time to explain to them why it's important not to leave the water running when they are brushing their teeth, or how recycling helps keep trash out of landfills. There are a variety of conservation activities kids can do on their own, with their friends or while they are at school.
By teaching our children to be respectful of the planet, we can slow down many of these threats to the environment so that future generations can enjoy the same natural resources we often take for granted, such as clean air and water, along with the incredible wild animals that we share this world with.
Educating children about the importance of environmental conservation will help ensure the long-term health of our planet for generations to come. Teaching kids about the environment and nature can be fun and exciting if you can take advantage of kids’ natural curiosity to educate them about their surroundings. Use that curiosity to give them the tools they need to save the world.
Save Water!
Save Children Future!

In my final words,
My elders saw water flows.
I have seen water ponds.
My children see water bottles.
My grand children may see water capsules.
I worried, my great grand children may see water in their eyes as tears.
May God save us and our generation from such a condition.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Can Teachers and Students Be Friends?

Can Teachers and Students Be Friends?
Sure, teachers clown around from time to time, but the better teachers remain clearly adults, facilitating learning, offering insight, and representing larger society as students try on new vocabulary, behaviors, fashions, and politics, always watching how we respond.
In an increasingly connected world, we can’t afford a policy of, “Teachers may never be friendly with students,” but we can help teachers and students recognize clear boundaries rightfully established in successful teaching-learning relationships.
We have to look for balance between what to cultivate and what to limit in teacher-student relations. There are boundaries, yet we want to be inviting to students and make sure they know they are good company. For as long as the child is a minor, however, it’s not the same as friendships we enjoy with adults.
Teachers and students can share an equal interest in local sports teams, for example, trading team updates, re-telling great moments in legendary games, and showing souvenirs to each other. These are acts of human connection that are valuable to both parties.
Students prefer teachers to be adults, not overgrown versions of themselves. Students gravitate toward teachers who inspire them to become something more than they are today, not extensions of their current condition.
Teachers and students share small parts of life’s journey with one another every day. If they find something in common, are thoughtful toward one another, and through extended time, develop trust beyond that of mere acquaintances, they can’t help but become friendly with one another, and this is a good thing.
If a teacher is invested in their students’ lives, it is easy to know if a student is going through a difficult time. This is because the teacher can easily tell when the student is not behaving normally, or the student confides in the teacher because they trust them. The problem is then addressed instead of letting it grow and stressing the student.
When in class, incorporate humour in your lessons;  this creates a relaxed atmosphere where students can easily contribute to the lesson. Asking students to share any experiences they have that relate to the lesson’s content is also a good way of getting them to relax and talk to you.
It is important for teachers to know that there is more to students than their grades in class, and it is even more essential if the teachers showed interest in other aspects of the students’ lives, outside the classroom.
Have a friendly teaching experience strategies!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Inclusion of spirituality in education

Spirituality is a set of beliefs and attitudes of people and spirituality education leads to important effects on people’s psychological health.
It is imperative that we educate students to explore deeper and higher dimensions of human resources so they can successfully work for the fulfilment of their ideal dreams.
Our teachings need turn to the dimensions of values, will power and cultural, ethical and spiritual potentialities.
Education through using religious doctrine included the patience, trust, mercifulness, adoration, proper thanks giving to God, theology, self- reflection and presence of God in life.
The focus of education has been more on material improvements and pecuniary benefits, rather than on holistic growth of mind, body and spirit.
For an inclusive education philosophy, the following could be useful pointers:
1. Education should teach a student about the real nature of the individual and Nature.
2. Demonstrate that all life is a play of consciousness with itself.
3. Relate the evolution of living success to the movement of conscious life towards increasing higher levels of awareness.
4. Declare the purpose of each life to be the realisation of divine potential.
5.Teach students the art of dynamic equilibrium so that they never tend to extremes, but tread the middle path.
6. Educate to train our mind so that we always live in the present.
7. Teach students to exert their utmost to achieve their objectives as if everything depended on their effort, yet simultaneously also realise that all events are divinely ordained.
8. Make students take life as it comes, accept whatever comes as a gift from the Divine and remain in a state of equilibrium under all circumstances.
9. Help students to be steadfast in their views, but not claim exclusive truth for their doctrines; to be ready to accept alternative versions of the truth.
10. Integrate with modern doctrines of science, gender, parity, liberty, equality and fraternity and human rights.
When spirituality will be completely embraced by our education system, our students will not only make a living in this physical world, but also make living a success and experience every moment of life as new, every day as a day of uplift, blessing  and enjoy lasting peace.
Stay strong with educational spirituality to rock your platform!

Tips for Attitude Change

Tips for Attitude Change
The following mentioned are few points that help in bringing change in attitude.....
1. First identify the change you want in yourself
2. Look out the solution for the problem detected
3. Look for some role model
4. Try not to say no
5. Try to apply the solution in your daily life
6. Reach out to maximum people
7. Stop thinking about the past
8. Think about the change in your life
9. Do not have expectations
10. Do not move out to the one’s who lead you down
11. See positivity in everything
12. Read good books in life
13. Count the blessings in life
14. Let go of the negative things
15. Make a list of things you are grateful for
16. Make use of the positive words
17. Help others
18. Indulge yourself in some work
19. Meditate a lot
20. Take an initiative always
21. No one is perfect, so just move on
22. Read positive quotes
So, above are some of the points on positive and negative attitude and how to improve attitude by turning your negative attitude into positive one.
No matter what difficulties you have to counter in life, make sure you stay strong, positive and happy always.
Only positive thoughts in the mind can help you gain all what you need in life.
Happiness, success and satisfaction in life, all can be achieved when your mind is at peace and mind can only be at peace if you let positivity rule your life.....

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