Friday, October 30, 2020


Group discussion
Team: The National UN Volunteers.


Moderator: Mr. S.C. Vohra

Let's begin from what is social consciousness?

Azeez: The mantra of SOC is:
Learn to learn
Learn to lead
Lead to excel

In simple terms: EDUCATE - ENRICH - EVOLVE. It is the consciousness shared by individuals within a society. According to Karl Marx, human beings enter into certain productive, or economic, relations and these relations lead to a form of social consciousness.

From this viewpoint, social consciousness denotes conscious awareness of being part of an interrelated community of others.The “we feeling” or the “sense of us” may be experienced in members of various cultures and social groups. By the experience of collectively shared social identity, individuals may experience social unity.

Social consciousness may also stimulate working towards a common goal. As we are here in the group, creating a social consciousness and caring it and working on it for a common goal.

School is a social group. Teachers are the social workers striving for social consciousness for a common goal. When members of a species concern themselves with matters that effect their species as a whole instead of individually, then this is enrichment of social consciousness. It is applicable to all living species. Specially human nature.

In social consciousness, It is strongly recommended that you don't bother thinking about this too much. Just go and do it. It works. Any ideas you might have about it are useless to you. Come back and read and contribute to the comments after you have done.

In school life it is existing. Due to inattention, or deliberately ignore it, because its implications can make uncomfortable. However, it is to our advantage to embrace this knowledge and there are simple ways we can leverage it for easy change. We should like to encourage everyone to perform.

In simple terms, Remember or Re - Membership to it.


Social consciousness is nothing but

Dr. Sekar Srinivasan: Man is a social animal. Social consciousness is right from mother's lap for a child. One man's freedom is upto other's nose. So all our civilized activities are in a way related to social consciousness. So many generations has made this wonderful planet for us to enjoy and live.. so our social consciousness can only preserve the best value add for the next generation. Almost all religions and philosophical masters evolved due to this social consciousness. A family, a street, a village,state or province and at large nations how that system evolved. Selflessness is the extreme virtue. That will make it clear.

Mrs. Buvana: Living things are interrelated to each in science says food web.....same is applicable for human also...each one contribute their social  conscious is very important for when where it depends the social set ups

Dr Sekar Seenivasan: The very purpose and motive of our groups is towards that only

Mr. Nahid Raza: Great points. Yes sir

Mr. S. C. Vohra: Showing concern or thinking consciously about social issues which concern the sea of people around us is being socially conscious. We can be conscious about anything only when we realise it , understand it and feel deeply about it. Therefore, to be socially conscious one has to be socially aware. A simple example of being socially unconscious despite being fully conscious about the implications of one’s actions is an actor or a film star or any other celebrity endorsing a product or any other commodity despite being fully aware that it’s going to have harmful consequences on the targeted audience or buyers or the society at large. A company which is not socially conscious will indulge in profiteering only putting its social responsibilities on the back burner. All kinds of adulterations that we witness today are examples of not being socially conscious. Only a few years back a famous cricketer endorsed a building society without bothering whether the promises being made by him would be actualised by the builder or not. The builder encashed upon his popularity and public perception of his integrity and defrauded innocent investors. A socially conscious celebrity would never take up any publicity assignment before verifying whether the tall claims being made through him would be fulfilled satisfactorily. It’s the duty of educational institutions to create socially conscious citizens by setting personal examples.

Dr Sekar Seenivasan: Wonderful examples

Mr. Alok Mohanty: Social consciousness will be possible when one evolves to a level where to feel deeply beyond blood relationship. Conversely one will have social consciousness if he/she has gone through a process of true individuation.

Azeez: Social consciousness 1

ll  Free to feel

Every tree, every flower has a season. Everyone will experience spring in their lives, not just once, but over and over. This is due to his or her social consciousness.

Life of a person should be like a flower. It should bloom on its own without any force and disturbance. And give fragrance through out the day and make others to feel happy about you on seeing, meeting and interacting. And silently fall down on the earth in the evening where it was born. This is a complete life of a human.

We are unique and each one of us do have unique method of blending spiritual seeking with materialistic ambition is changing the way spirituality is experienced.

We are uniting a world that has been divided in the name of God and religion, through ‘Faith’ and ‘Love’.

Our ability  is to expound in the simplest mode the most complicated aspects of life with simple solutions and inspirations.

And our relentless service through public discourses, inspirations , teachings, views, thoughts, residential retreats through this social media.

Of course we are born twins still we kick each other. We are friends not yet seen each other.

This feel free tool is composed with love, faith and respect.

Mr.  S. C. Vohra: Very true. Indian culture is deeply rooted in  social consciousness in the truest form. “ Sarve bhavantu sukhinah , sarve santu niramaya “ and “ vasudhaiv kutumbkam” are the finest examples. “Ekam satya viprah bahudha vadanti” is also an example of all pervasive social consciousness.

Dr Sekar Seenivasan: Very true and discussion goes to superior levels

Azeez: Social consciousness 2

ll Free to feel is not costly, it is a responsibility

Thinking that abundance is anti-spiritual. It is scarcity that is anti-spiritual.

You cannot have a negative feeling about a place and want to reach it. There is no merit in thinking that your spiritual progress will halt if it is materialistic. But there is a twist — you have to grow with spiritual roots.

You look back with contentment, look ahead with ambition. Expand abundance. Live life in all its dimensions. Success comes to those who celebrate the success of others. Add value to what you do — whether you are a doctor, designer or a cleaner.

Be healthy, wealthy and loving and allow others to have the same. Take care of all forms of love, all creations. They do have a similar rights of living as we do have.

Identify a cause larger than yourself. The best will come out when you believe in yourself.

It is rare to be born as a human being, make your life count. It is a responsibility.

Feeling someone is important to someone is our responsibility. A driver knows how important you are to your family. So he acts with his social consciousness. A doctor knows how important you are to your family, so he acts with social consciousness.

Dr Parvathi: Nothing happens without Leadership. Nothing changes without Leadership.Nothing develops without Leadership. Nothing improves without Leadership.Nothing is corrected without Leadership.

Everyone, everywhere, every time is always being led. Whatever conditions, circumstances or predicament in which a person, family, community, organization or nation may find itself, someone has led it there. We are always, directly or indirectly, consciously or unconscientiously, being led. Leadership is perpetually exercised over us, whether by a politician, priest, parent, boss or teacher. Even the blind can lead, according to the young Jewish rabbi Jesus Christ. It is said that we all get the leaders we deserve. In essence, we are usually led by the persons to whom we choose to submit ourselves whether by vote, choice, or agreement.

Anything which is achieved  with working hard and following  the right ways as correctly said in dharmasastra and geeta" to follow the principles of  dharma and dharma will take you to longer goals"will surely take you to achieve  and reach greater heights. Dharma  gives you protection from the evils or the barriers cmg across ur way of success. If human beings are conscious of all these then society will grow lk anything nobody will hurt anybody or will be hunted by anybody and success will be achieved  automatically.

All these verses describes what actual dharma is? Dharma simply is once duty to be honest,polite,sincere and so on.

Dr. Aruna Singh: Human beings are social animals!! So it is imperative for us to know about the society we live and thrive in. Social awareness is mainly about how much you know about the society you live in, what you have to learn from it and what you can contribute to the society. Since we are the part of the system we have to learn, understand and try to correct any imperfections present. But these days we act as mere spectators alienating ourselves from any kind of atrocities committed. May be the reason for so many unwanted things happening.  The political candidates are selected to restore order in the area but alas!! Something else happens. 

Mrs. Madhu Rai Kalra: So the community as a whole has to work for betterment and should have freedom and the authority to control crime, help in counselling, get together or improve and improvise the problems of the community and society as a whole .

Azeez: Social consciousness 3

ll Stages of social consciousness

1. The first stage is called embedded social consciousness
In simple version: It is self oriented as "How can I best take care of myself?"

2. The second level of social awareness is called self-reflexive.

In simple version: At this stage we begin to be more introspective and the question asked is: "Why do I choose to do things this way as opposed to other options?"

3. The third stage is engaged social consciousness.

In simple version: The question posed here is: "How can I make a difference in other people's lives?"

4. The fourth stage is collaborative social consciousness.

In simple version: The question posed here is: "How can we best implement these new ideas?"

5. The fifth stage is resonant social consciousness.

In simple version: The question here is: "Is my inner congruency reflected in the way I serve others?"

Cultivating social consciousness is natural to human beings.

By smiling to others and choosing to have a good attitude, we raise the positive energy around ourselves, instantly making the world a better place to live.

Let us not allow "life" to cover our true nature.

Let us not be what we are, specially in social consciousness. Let's be different. Let us be not what we are in real.

Let us not stay quiet when we see injustice being done! Let us be advocates of truth at least by our heart if we are not capable with powers and consciously choose to remove our blinders!

Let us hear the cry of pain and sorrow! Let us all become aware of our responsibility to cultivate our social consciousness!

Dr Parvathi: Social consciousness is inside everyone same as waves and currents in the sea .

Dr Sekar Seenivasan: Naga Naresh Karutura has just passed out of IIT Madras in Computer Science and has joined Google in Bangalore. You may ask, what’s so special about this 21-year-old when there are hundreds of students passing from various IITs and joining big companies like Google?

Naresh is special. His parents are illiterate. He has no legs and moves around in his powered wheel chair.

Ever smiling, optimistic and full of spirit; that is Naresh. He says, “God has always been planning things for me. That is why I feel I am lucky.” Read why Naresh feels he is lucky.

• Childhood in a village

I spent the first seven years of my life in Teeparru, a small village in Andhra Pradesh, on the banks of the river Godavari . My father Prasad was a lorry driver and my mother Kumari, a house wife. Though they were illiterate, my parents instilled in me and my elder sister (Sirisha) the importance of studying.

Looking back, one thing that surprises me now is the way my father taught me when I was in the 1st and 2nd standards. My father would ask me questions from the text book, and I would answer them. At that time, I didn’t know he could not read or write but to make me happy, he helped me in my studies!

Another memory that doesn’t go away is the floods in the village and how I was carried on top of a buffalo by my uncle. I also remember plucking fruits from a tree that was full of thorns.

I used to be very naughty, running around and playing all the time with my friends.. I used to get a lot of scolding for disturbing the elders who slept in the afternoon. The moment they started scolding, I would run away to the fields!

I also remember finishing my school work fast in class and sleeping on the teacher’s lap!

• January 11, 1993, the fateful day

On the January 11, 1993 when we had the sankranti holidays, my mother took my sister and me to a nearby village for a family function. From there we were to go with our grandmother to our native place. But my grandmother did not come there. As there were no buses that day, my mother took a lift in my father’s friend’s lorry. As there were many people in the lorry, he made me sit next to him, close to the door.

It was my fault; I fiddled with the door latch and it opened wide throwing me out. As I fell, my legs got cut by the iron rods protruding from the lorry. Nothing happened to me except scratches on my legs.

The accident had happened just in front of a big private hospital but they refused to treat me saying it was an accident case. Then a police constable who was passing by took us to a government hospital.
First I underwent an operation as my small intestine got twisted. The doctors also bandaged my legs. I was there for a week. When the doctors found that gangrene had developed and it had reached up to my knees, they asked my father to take me to a district hospital. There, the doctors scolded my parents a lot for neglecting the wounds and allowing the gangrene to develop. But what could my ignorant parents do?
In no time, both my legs were amputated up to the hips.

I remember waking up and asking my mother, where are my legs? I also remember that my mother cried when I asked the question. I was in the hospital for three months.

• Life without legs

I don’t think my life changed dramatically after I lost both my legs. Because all at home were doting on me, I was enjoying all the attention rather than pitying myself. I was happy that I got a lot of fruits and biscuits.

• ‘I never wallowed in self-pity’

The day I reached my village, my house was flooded with curious people; all of them wanted to know how a boy without legs looked. But I was not bothered; I was happy to see so many of them coming to see me, especially my friends!

All my friends saw to it that I was part of all the games they played; they carried me everywhere.

God’s hand. I believe in God. I believe in destiny. I feel he plans everything for you. If not for the accident, we would not have moved from the village to Tanuku, a town. There I joined a missionary school, and my father built a house next to the school. Till the tenth standard, I studied in that school.
If I had continued in Teeparu, I may not have studied after the 10th. I may have started working as a farmer or someone like that after my studies. I am sure God had other plans for me.

• My sister, my friend

When the school was about to reopen, my parents moved from Teeparu to Tanuku, a town, and admitted both of us in a Missionary school. They decided to put my sister also in the same class though she is two years older. They thought she could take care of me if both of us were in the same class. My sister never complained.
She would be there for everything. Many of my friends used to tell me, you are so lucky to have such a loving sister. There are many who do not care for their siblings.
She carried me in the school for a few years and after a while, my friends took over the task. When I got the tricycle, my sister used to push me around in the school.

My life, I would say, was normal, as everyone treated me like a normal kid. I never wallowed in self-pity. I was a happy boy and competed with others to be on top and the others also looked at me as a competitor.

• Inspiration

I was inspired by two people when in school; my Maths teacher Pramod Lal who encouraged me to participate in various local talent tests, and a brilliant boy called Chowdhary, who was my senior.

When I came to know that he had joined Gowtham Junior College to prepare for IIT-JEE, it became my dream too. I was school first in 10th scoring 542/600.
Because I topped in the state exams, Gowtham Junior College waived the fee for me. Pramod Sir’s recommendation also helped. The fee was around Rs 50,000 per year, which my parents could never afford.

• Moving to a residential school

Living in a residential school was a big change for me because till then my life centred around home and school and I had my parents and sister to take care of all my needs. It was the first time that I was interacting with society. It took one year for me to adjust to the new life.

There, my inspiration was a boy called K K S Bhaskar who was in the top 10 in IIT-JEE exams. He used to come to our school to encourage us. Though my parents didn’t know anything about Gowtham Junior School or IIT, they always saw to it that I was encouraged in whatever I wanted to do.. If the results were good, they would praise me to the skies and if bad, they would try to see something good in that. They did not want me to feel bad. They are such wonderful supportive parents.

• Life at IIT- Madras

Though my overall rank in the IIT-JEE was not that great (992), I was 4th in the physically handicapped category. So, I joined IIT, Madras to study Computer Science.

Here, my role model was Karthik who was also my senior in school. I looked up to him during my years at IIT- Madras. He had asked for attached bathrooms for those with special needs before I came here itself. So, when I came here, the room had attached bath. He used to help me and guide me a lot when I was here.

I evolved as a person in these four years, both academically and personally. It has been a great experience studying here. The people I was interacting with were so brilliant that I felt privileged to sit along with them in the class. Just by speaking to my lab mates, I gained a lot..
‘There are more good people in society than bad ones’

• July 28, 2008

Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to Prof Pandurangan and all my lab mates; all were simply great. I was sent to Boston along with four others for our internship by Prof Pandurangan. It was a great experience.

• Joining Google R&D

I did not want to pursue PhD as I wanted my parents to take rest now. Morgan Stanley selected me first but I preferred Google because I wanted to work in pure computer science, algorithms and game theory.

• I am lucky. Do you know why I say I am lucky?

I get help from total strangers without me asking for it. Once after my second year at IIT, I with some of my friends was travelling in a train for a conference. We met a kind gentleman called Sundar in the train, and he has been taking care of my hostel fees from then on.

I have to mention about Jaipur foot. I had Jaipur foot when I was in 3rd standard. After two years, I stopped using them. As I had almost no stems on my legs, it was very tough to tie them to the body. I found walking with Jaipur foot very, very slow. Sitting also was a problem. I found my tricycle faster because I am one guy who wants to do things faster.

One great thing about the hospital is, they don’t think their role ends by just fixing the Jaipur foot; they arrange for livelihood for all. They asked me what help I needed from them. I told them at that time, if I got into an IIT, I needed financial help from them. So, from the day I joined IIT, Madras , my fees were taken care of by them. So, my education at the IIT was never a burden on my parents and they could take care of my sister’s Nursing studies.

• Surprise awaited me at IIT

After my first year, when I went home, two things happened here at the Institute without my knowledge. I got a letter from my department that they had arranged a lift and ramps at the department for me. It also said that if I came a bit early and checked whether it met with my requirements, it would be good.
Second surprise was, the Dean, Prof Idichandy and the Students General Secretary, Prasad had located a place that sold powered wheel chairs. The cost was Rs 55,000. What they did was, they did not buy the wheel chair; they gave me the money so that the wheel chair belonged to me and not the institute.

My life changed after that. I felt free and independent. That’s why I say I am lucky. God has planned things for me and takes care of me at every step. The world is full of good people.

Social consciousness has helped. That's why I shared

Azeez:  Social  consciousness 5

ll Self consciousness

You can be everything if you know who you are. You know about you well. You cannot lie to you.

You are the  richest man in the world:

• If your  spouse loves you, you are an attractive person in the world!

• If your kids think you are ideal you are a superstar!

You are an Uncle model, If the mother of the neighbor advises her children to prefer to refer.

You are a leader, if your neighbor, close relative comes to you to solve it!

You are almost near to an apostle of God, when you help someone who is in a state of  perishing without expecting any benefit and rescue him!

The big truth is that you don't need a lot of money or influence to do  all this!

All we needed are only one thing, that is the social consciousness.

• Social consciousness 6

ll Being Human

Once Mahakavi Kalidasa got thirsty while walking in the sun in the field ..!

A villager was fetching water from a well in a jug a short distance away!

Kalidasa looks at him and his mother is thirsty ...
May I have some water?  He asked .....

The village girl said, "Let me introduce you!"

Immediately Kalidasa had a hilarious attitude and thought why I should tell this girl who am I so said:  I am a traveler mom!

She said: There are two travelers in the world!
One is Moon!
One is Sun !
These are the ones who travel day and night .....!

Well keep me as a guest said Kalidasa!

Right away that girl was just two guests in the world!
One is wealth! [Sukran ... Suri]
One is youth!
If only these two would come as guests and leave right away!

Slightly annoyed Kalidasa just said a patient!  ....

Immediately the woman and the two of them ...!
One is Earth!
No matter how much you step on, no matter who you step on!
Another one is tree
Whoever beats the stone will give the pieces depending!

Slightly angry Kalidasa said I am a stubborn!

And that woman is the only two stubborn people in the world ...
One is hair!
Another one is  nail!
No matter how many times you cut both
Laughing if you grow stubborn! ....

Increasingly thirsty I told myself I was an idiot!

Right away that girl, there are two idiots in the world!

One is the king of the country
The other one who  praises him, the Minister! Said the girl...

Kalidasa could not do it and fell at the feet of the woman!

Immediately, the girl said, Son ... get up ... Kalidasa who saw the upright went to the mountain!

Satsad Saraswati Devi Yeh she stood in front!
When Kalidasa bowed his head, Looking at Devi Das ... Kalidasa!  He who realizes himself to be human attains the pinnacle of human nature!

Goddess Saraswati gave the jug of water to Kalidasa and disappeared, saying,  " Be human."

In the same way that children are taught by their parents to earn money and live comfortably in the future, we must also teach them what to do as human beings, mothers, fathers, wives, people, close relatives, our motherland, the earth that feeds us!

Parents should not live a life of inhumanity by mechanising life as a motherland, separating relationships, the AC room is the world, the cell phone is the relationship, earning money is life!

Be yourself "be human", enjoy the flower of humanity with the wealth of life .......

This is social consciousness.

• Azeez: Social consciousness 7

ll Nature

What we live in and around is the nature which is being gifted by the creator not for our own use, it is commonly gifted to living and non living and existing now and the future too.

Nature is a loan which we received from the generation which is not yet created or not yet get birth. It is our social responsibility to give them back with some interest or at least the same.

We need not to help nature to grow or be as it is. Nature knows how to be. If nature start realigning herself we will be nowhere in this earth.

Everything is not granted by the nature. Natural calamities, massive deaths, flood .....are a part of nature, realigning herself.

Our role is to use properly and reuse it. And our role is to give social awareness to the people in touch with us. This social awareness is called social consciousness.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Which is Best: Teacher-Centered or Student-Centered Education?

The National UN Volunteers. 
Group Discussion

Topic: Which is Best: Teacher-Centered or Student-Centered Education?

¶ Key questions to be discussed:

* What is Student centered Education-Problems and solutions.

* What is Teacher centered Education-Problems and solutions.

* Which is the best Education for our children.

• Azeez:  Considering students opinion:

• In student-centered method the various aspect of learning such as mutual understanding, use of textbooks and references were significantly increases , whereas other aspects of learning such as self esteem, study time, innovation, and study attitude though are improving but are not significant as compared with teacher centered method. 

• In teacher-centered method the understanding of the subjects is significantly increasing.

Other aspects of learning such as motivation and concentration are improving but not significantly as compared with student centered method.

As the result showed student centered method was favored in several aspects of learning while in teacher centered method only understanding of the subject was better. 

Careful choice of teaching method to provide a comprehensive learning experience should take into account these differences.

The effective teaching employs both teacher and student-centered strategies depending on the nature of your class. 

• First, understanding the nature of your students in the classroom.

• Second, providing motivation and letting students realize the reward of learning languages or subjects invite more efficiency in the learning process. 

• Third, with a mix and match of the two strategies, the idea of modified instruction comes in. 

Since students learn differently, they can be grouped according to learning style.

Group learning and collaboration in learning are important among the students. Otherwise it goes against the process.

The effectiveness of Student centered Education depends on the nature of the learners, size of the classroom/Teacher-Student ratio, Time Management.....

Otherwise Teacher centered Education is opt.

In Teacher centered Education is management and Student centered is arrangement.

¶ Teacher Centered Learning:

• Teaching and assessing are separate.
• The instructor's role is to be primary information giver and primary evaluator.
• Assessment is used to monitor learning.
• Emphasis is on the right answers.
• Desired learning is assessed indirectly through the use of objectivity scored tests.
• Only students are viewed as learners.

¶ Learner Centered Learning:

• Teaching and assessing are intertwined.
• The instructor's role is to coach and facilitate. • • The instructor's role is to coach and facilitate. The instructor and the students evaluate learning together.
• Assessment is used to promote and diagnose learning.
• Emphasis is on generating better questions and learning from errors.
• Desired learning is assessed directly through papers, projects, performances, portfolios, and the like.
• Instructors and students learn together.

• Dr Parvathi: Both has its advantages  and disadvantages. In student centred learning  students  get more exposure then in teacher  centred  learning. In student centred  Learning  expectations  of the students  from the teacher becomes more clear and students tk the initiative  to solve the problem  themselves as this generates experimental learning  and leads to long term memorisation.

• Mrs. Sweta Srivastava: Teacher centered education system was the older method of imparting the the centre point was Teacher so.. his command over subject and knowledge should be up to the mark.... Ancient Gurukul system was the best example. But students centred education is the modearb way of learning where teacher if merely plying a role of facilitator. Knowledge, books, everything is easily available... Teacher is just  delivering it. But we both the system have merits and demerits..Education and knowledge is different things...  Even in child centred education also the Teacher role is important that how he is facilitating that knowledge...Moral values , Character formation  Skill knowledge etc...

• Dr Parvati: Right.It is same as mother help the child to move his first step by holding  his or her hands wn the kid starts learning how to walk.The same is the teacher's role in teacher centred learning. And the next step child centred learning  starts after this wherein the child after collecting  and gaining  starts imparting it in his work or projects. So teacher centred  is first step and child centred  or student centred  is second step. Teachers are always a centre  for learning  but being a human  being  no one is full or perfect and I think with student centred  learning  teacher also gets a chance to learn more and improve her strategies  as rightly said by vivekananda a teacher must perceive and look forward to learn new things always irrespective  of where the knowledge  she is getting  from.

Everybody has  their own way of thinking and taking things  so as the child.When the teacher imparts knowledge  the way child takes in that knowledge  becomes a new knowledge  later because  in that child makes changes further and further. Inventions takes place lk this only in this world.

• Mrs. Sweta Srivastava: Yes....Teachers shapes the character of a child with subject knowledge and by imparting the most important ingredient ....Values ...

• Dr Parvathi: Yes absolutely. She prepares the child to fight with the problems and to deal with  the problems  in a more matured way rest the child learns himself when he faces the situation. That's wy Teacher has been gvn  third place after mother and  father because teacher plays the role of both mother and father in a student's  life. SAYING IN SANSKRIT 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

For the parents and educators, they must ask themselves

UN Women's volunteers group discussion

For the parents and educators, they must ask themselves:

• How many of our kids lose themselves at school expected to excel in things they have no interest in pursuing and punished them when they fall short in something called marking scale/grade/score?

• How many of our students hate books because they were thrown at their faces for a spelling mistake or an incomplete answer?

• How many children fear speaking up because every time they opened their mouths they were told they are wrong since it isn't in the textbooks?

• How many children know algebraic equations by heart but they creep in front of real-life problems?

• How many children's innate curiosity and imagination is snuffed out every day under the pressure to score more than the neighbor's kids?

• How many potential writers, painters, social workers, and entrepreneurs were sacrificed to amass engineering and medical degrees?

• How many children sacrifice every waking hour to realize their parents' dream of a professional degree?

• How many children are made to believe that a job is an ultimate success they can achieve in life?

And last but not least,
• How many more children's spirits will we sacrifice at the altar of "education"?

Your meaningful answer to the above mentioned questions can refine and redefine our Education system.

Please take a part in discussion. And what is your take now.......

Problems are not in the system of Education. It is in the products.

We should not forget to remember UNEDUCATED ARE BETTER THAN MISEDUCATED.

• Leader. Ms. Leena Rai Kalra: These are the valid questions where each one of us needs to think and act both being an educator and parent.

There are no of examples of these kind of children who are behaved ,treated and ignored in such a manner.

They are said the words of own interests by the parents and school and always expecting the better score instead of anything in the form of "happy children"or "humane citizens".

This equation of parents teachers with the children is never going to be balanced until and unless the thinking is changed even if we keep on experimenting and adding new assets into the education even if any educator keeps on conducting webinars every time the actual need is to create a right platform of development of children awakening of parents.

I too have seen at last 99% of parents still come to the point of producing doctor engineer or the job oriented product only instead of following rules of growth and overall development through their personal interests and passion.

• Mr. Nahid Raza: Parents and educators must ask if they respect the individuality and identity of children. They should ask if they helping children discovering themselves. They ought to ask if they are recognising them , their work and their presence in public.

• Dr Sekar Seenivasan: Really motivating statements.

• Mrs. Ishrath Tabassum: Alhamdulillah, As a parent or as a teacher, I believe that, learning new things requires interest, curiosity and excitement. 

A child should be given an environment where he/she enjoys what he/she might be learning, we all must be a little patient and supportive of the student or a child, we must communicate with them in their language to make them understand better, the problem isn’t with the education system. 

It’s with our behaviour, children are tend to be sensitive and emotional, we must never compare them to any other child, and identify their skills and support them in it, due to these kind of incidents as children grow up they tend to be anxious and insecure. 

Alhamdulillah as parents we definitely have some expectations with our children but we must realise what our child is good at and what he/she wants to do and support him/her by all means rather than forcing our expectations on them INSHAALLAH.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Believe in them until they believe in themselves.

Our topic for today's discussion is:

Believe in them until they believe in themselves.


• AZEEZ: What does it mean and what have we do to?

The meaning: It is to recognise the hidden potentials in them and make them to realise it.

As educators, the most important rewarding part of our work is to recognize the vast potential within our students and to help them see it within themselves, and then support them in reaching that potential.

In other words, we need to help them cultivate hope.

We need to help them cultivate hope on their future.

• How?

Once we start believing others, in return they start believing themselves. Because they start acting to stand up to the believer's expectations. The only way is keep developing hope in them.

• What is hope here?

Hope is about one’s ability to achieve goals. It has been linked to greater academic achievement, creativity, and problem-solving skills, as well as less depression and anxiety.

• Hope requires two components: 


A “pathway” is a roadmap to reaching a goal, one that is created by the student and that includes alternate routes when obstacles arise. 

An “Agency” is the student’s belief, motivation, and confidence that he or she can achieve the goal.

• Mrs. Ishrat Tabassum: An Educator should be a good listener first,  listening is often the only thing needed to help someone. Students don't always need advise sometimes all they really need a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them. 

Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they possibly be.

Teachers need to understand that students take their words as the truth about each of them. Students think that teachers are the authority in their lives on their ability to learn. 

They need to support students and show that they believe that every one of their students can be learners and become successful. You never know what you might say that could be the thing to turn the tide for the good for a student, or could be the discouragement that leaves a student feeling inadequate.

This is instrumental in bringing out the innate potentials in the children that come our way. 

We as educators need to connect more with the children in our care so that what others are afraid of bringing out which is a desire of greatness in disguise we can reach out in love with extra patience to carefully nurtured and bring out in them INSHAALLAH.

• Mrs. Roma Narang: Either students or our own children always seek a space and person who listen and understand their heart & brain and prove to be torch bearers with positive reflections and suggestions where to move or not to move and why? Such individual mental research can bring out the potentials and confidence of a learner to walk fearlessly and logically. They can easily focus on their goal after getting a sense of belongingness from a true mentor. A true mentor can instigate a spirit of self confidence and they start believing in themselves. To fulfil this very purpose, parents and educators need to collaborate.

• Mr. S. C. Vohra: Thanks for the beautiful topic which emphasises the importance of early education. A child will never believe he possesses infinite potential until his/ her parents, teachers and people around him make him believe so. Abraham Lincoln’s letter to his son’s teacher is very apt to be quoted. 

“My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you would treat him gently. It is an adventure that might take him across continents. All adventures that probably include wars, tragedy and sorrow. To live this life will require faith, love and courage.

So dear Teacher, will you please take him by his hand and teach him things he will have to know, teaching him – but gently, if you can. Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend. He will have to know that all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader.Teach him if you can that 10 cents earned is of far more value than a dollar found. In school, teacher, it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win.

Teach him to be gentle with people, tough with tough people. Steer him away from envy if you can and teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him if you can – how to laugh when he is sad, teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success. Teach him to scoff at cynics.

 Another example of believe in them “At the very end of his life, Edison famously quoted: “My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me, and I felt I had someone to live for, someone I must not disappoint.” Edison's mother's courage and constant faith in her son's abilities made him the genius he grew up to be.

• Mrs. Aruna Singh: Students at any age look up to the teachers! So we don’t have to look down on them but look in the same direction together. We as educators have to walk along with out any comments or advise. We have to give them the wings to fly , doesn’t matter even if they fall let them get up and repeat by looking at the mistakes done. Correct them, work with them and propel them. Usually we don’t listen and ridicule them for simple mistakes or stupid questions asked which crashes their self esteem and leaves them a bad learner for life. So encourage, enable and empower the children to be what they want to be. We as teachers and adults have to become the facilitators and stand with the ideas and the out of the box concepts so that we can find solutions to all the problems of the world we have to believe in them as they are our future.

Friday, October 16, 2020

What is the nature of futuristic Education? How is technology going to impact it?

UN Volunteers group discussion.

Topic: What is the nature of futuristic Education? How is technology going to impact it?
• Mr. Alok Kumar Mohanty


The possibilities are:

• There may be new reasons “to go to school”

The days of “going to school to get a job” could be slowly replaced by “critically learning so that we come to understand what must be done.”

Children might go to school for delearning or just to meet a specialist of their study area for Consultation. Teachers might become a consultants. School might  become a consultancy.

• The demand for a new kind of assessment.

The futuristic Education might demand a new assesment system. It may not be a measurement. Rather than measurement, true assessment is the process of uncovering understanding. 

Figuring out what a learner does and does not understanding, and moving forward from there.

• New content areas could emerge

Math, science, social studies, and literacy have been the pillars of modern education for over a century. 

Rather than ‘content areas,’ it is now possible to unify learning experiences by new criteria, including the ability to use specific technologies.

This doesn’t mean traditional content areas are unnecessary, but rather that new, more robust–and hopefully more interesting and rebranded–themes are necessary to naturally aggregate content.

• Curriculum might get a change, both in form as well as content

‘Mastery,’ ‘proficiency’ and related terms become old language and might get a new definitions.

 New notions of “mastery” might focus not on academic standards, but media literacy, problem-solving, networking, and other critical strands of a modern, technology-driven society.

• Mobile Learning* or learning on wheels or learning on air.....& self-directed learning could form the core of formal education models.

(*Here Mobile does not mean phone and media)

• Primary school education might get important status as IIT, AIIMS.....and might compete for the  status of NAAC.....


History repeats.
Return back to our old traditional Gurukul Education of Vedic period.

• AZEEZ: The use of technology in education helps head and hands to work, heartless.

It cannot impart divine principles and policies as Education is supposed to impart a good food to 3Hs, Head-Heart-Hands.

From the past 30years, since the inclusion of Technology in Education results now in half heartless generations now.

The futuristic Education accompanied with Technology might yield good technosavvies and technocrats without a heart of human nature.

So again we go back Vedic Technology in action.

• AZEEZ: At the least we have a hope of turning back to the Vedic period to reconstruct the society. 

What about the westerners?

They are now in advance 50 years ahead. They are the samples for our futuristic Education now.

• Dr Sekar Srinivasan: Wonderful thought process. Westerners project their implementation prospects through common man utility wise and so in limelight as though  they are advanced. Our humility is not stealing the show. Our brain activity is established on occasion of necessities.

• AZEEZ: Education in Technology is good.
Technology in education is ??

• Dr Sekar Srinivasan: Technology in education is an non compromising blend in the modern days where educational resources depend. Changes are dominant in character and as you have rightly discussed in pairing and sharing we should mind last for balences

• Dr Sekar Srinivasan: But technology is only an aid for thought process developments in education

•Mr Alok Kumar Mohanty: Important observation Sir. Everything that we see as technology is an extension of ourselves. It is tied to materialistic life and mundane outlook only. Future is going to be a subjective age where one will discover his/her interconnectedness with the Whole creation experientially not conceptually. Future Education should prepare one to go beyond the conceptual learning only and pave the way for subjective experiential learning.

• Dr Sekar Srinivasan: Again and again we all converge at one point of eastern philosophical ideals of education which is wholistic which provides the scope for realising the secrets of creation and creator without compromising human values. Logics have limitations and inner self realization oriented manifesting the self of deserving personality should come out through the process of learning

• AZEEZ: True. We reflect them through our learnings. And when do we reflect us to the world through our own learnings?

• AZEEZ: We can leave competition with the unknown ideals and philosophies behind. We have our time tested philosophies of Education since 5000 years.

Those whom we are now following, are discovered by just 500 years ago.

We are well civilised 500 generations earlier to them. It is not that easier to loose out philosophies in the name of adventures of technology in our basics.

We equip ourselves and our generation next with the basics of success.

• AZEEZ: Our confusion is due to:

How many blind Indians would pay anything to be able to read the scriptures which are ordained on this earth only to Indians ?

How many deaf Indians would pay anything to be able to hear the variety of languages on this earth which are the Blessings of Indians?. 

How many mute Indians  would pay anything to be able to utter the name of our traditional values ?


How many less able bodies would pay anything to walk around the land of India?

We're very rich in every thing and we are proud to be Indians because of our ancestors and lineages. We are the most civilised people on this earth before the world started reading the word and know the meaning of civilization?

But we are just not grateful.

That's the reason we are following someone than to lead them.

May God grant us the ability to make the most of all that He has blessed us with, and that He accepts all our efforts.

• Mrs. Madhumita Jana: As we all know that Changes are inevitable in every sphere of life. Hence the  transformations and changes in Education System is quite obvious. With the advancement in Science, technology and the human mind the Futuristic Education is likely to emphasise more on blended learning where students learn in part through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media. It is important to note that nformation will no longer be just text based but may get translated to graphical, musical,  audio and visual.
Integrated learning models mostly will  be designed in a way that integrates multiple instruction approaches and leverages the collective talents of many teachers and mentors.

Schools may no longer have writing boards and get replaced by digital boards totally. The classroom design and arrangement will change with time.

There will be a transition from teaching to learning. The course curriculum set by experts and experienced educators will be learnt by students anytime, anywhere at a place that is comfortable for them. Students will probably have the liberty to choose subjects and topics of their own. The word teacher will be  replaced by the words like facilitator, mentor , coach or guide. 

Let us all be ready to see a radical shift in the world of education and unlearn to accept the changes and the challenges.

• Mrs. Buvana: Definetely new kind of assessment is must to understand what what students learnt than what they remembered....

• Mrs. Ishrat Tabassum: MASHAALLAH good points.

I believe we expect a lot from the education system as educators, In the new concept of NEP, It came with a lot of pros and cons in our country, the studies will take place in regional languages and  the basics will be in our own mother tongue, where we won’t be able to communicate and spread awareness out of our own state or language, while the other countries are focusing on evolving through technology and new inventions, and while our children /students will be learning about religious studies, not that studying about religion is a bad thing but our children/ students might not be able to understand or compete with other countries if the whole focus is based on religious beliefs, and we will be left behind. 

Other than that i believe that it will increase discrimination and racism among the children/ students  and they won’t be able to communicate with everybody which will cause lack of communication, and lack of understanding. I don't know what the EDUCATION SYSTEM will be after 5yr  or 10 yrs  Almighty  ALLAH KNOWS BETTER  because  "YESTERDAY WAS HISTORY, TOMORROW IS A MISTERY, TODAY IS  A GIFT ,  so I believe instead of thinking of tomorrow we must focus on TODAY.  think, plan, and initiate for today so that we can have a better tomorrow and "where there is a will, there is way"  we are living in competitive world, so plan out in that way. 

An Educated person is described as a wise and intellectual person, who drives out the cons as much as possible and thinks about improving the system as much as possible, we must prepare our children/ students to be educated to help the country and advance in many other aspects, we must all work as one and focus on the areas where we could make our country a better place INSHAALLAH.

• Mrs Abrar Khan: I have the same vision. 
I believe in focusing more in the present situation rather than the topics about untouchablity and the meaning of evil systems explained  in Indian history. Also the subject can be integrated  with art music robotic which help the students to learn and enjoy their strengths. Also the new edn system  will give platform to select the topics.

•  Dr Sekar Seenivasan: Very well said and congratulations. Thout provoking ideas. Weldone.

A simple comparison I will provide from my street where I live. Four friends right from school days were together upto school finals. Even now they are friends only and all quote them as example for friendship even after their marriage. Raman could get sufficient marks in plus two and his father a lower level government servant could manage to get an engineering seat in a good local engineering college. He did study well got some scholarship and finished his course. In the local campus interview he was selected by some local  automobile company with some very normal pay structure. The mind set of the family was very much satisfactory and Raman also didn't enhance his skills and wanted to be in the comfort zone of his family.

Manikandan and Lakshmanan (twins)who got just pass marks and whose parents were vegetable vendors in the street approached my father for guidance. Then he was the district health officer and so could get the in ITI diploma course for both in automobile trade and welding and painting. Some good street elders paid the fees. They studied well and and after completing the diploma again approached my father stating that in Nagpur there is some institute where automated technology is being taught in their trades. My father consulted their parents and one health inspector was from Nagpur who had settled long back in tamil nadu. He had his parental home and some connection there then. In fifteen days he could after visiting his parents and institute came with a solution. If both could stay in his home along with hi se citizens parents and attend the course everything will be fine. Again all street friends helped for fees and other aspects. Both went learnt new technology and all fine details came back with good grades. A bank manager living in our street could arrange bank loan for setting up their own repair shop with advanced machine s. One good mirasdhar who had no child could volalantarily gift his gadi Ghana place meant for parking bullock carts on 99 years lease at very minimal cost. Now they are the best mechanics and from different parts of state vehicles are pouring for maintenance and repair. They have given employment for six more deserving students.recently they had purchased their own twin house and we'll settled helpful to many poverty stikken children.

Coming to the fourth boy suresh he joined some local grocery shop learnt all nuances of trade assisted his employer getting orders from maharastra Gujarat and many places of North. He could speak read and write hindhi well and established as a loyal worker. His employer as a token of appreciation and gift on his wedding day made him manager of one of his godowns and allowed him to independently function with huge profit share. Even today he is sincere and works for his master ihis area of specialization . He had become the richest of all the four. 

Pity is the first engineering graduate could not even purchase a flat. Let me theoretically comment. The components should be
1. Self confidence building measures
2.Out of box thinking measures
3. Living in out of comfort zone
4. Development of any one individual specialization skills
5. Optimistic about future
6. Learning from others experience 
7. Contantantly enhancing our skills
8.Never feeling shy to approach proper personalities.
9.utilizing all opportunities for our focused goal.
10. Respectin human and ethical values at any stage. 
11. Being loyal and sincere and working with commitment that it is part of nation building exercise and not for mere money or salary sake.
When all these are embedded well then education will have its real worth.

• Mrs. Jemi: Yes. The futuristic Education is going to be completely dependent on technology.

I want like to bring out the technological innovative influential area.

1. Digitized Classrooms: Rather than considering IT a standalone tool or skill, digitization tends to disperse throughout every facet of the classroom.
Examples: tablets, electronic screens, interactive whiteboards, data projectors,
2. Tangible Computing: Embedding computation to the physical via intelligent objects, the internet of things, and connectivity with a profound impact on learning mechanisms.
Examples: reactive materials, reactive furniture, 3D printers, digitally intermediated field trips.
3. Gamification: Billed as an evolution in grading mechanisms, gamification brings instant feedback to acquired knowledge through achievements and points systems.
Examples: student developed apps, educational games, educational programming tools, achievement badges, self-paced learning
4. Virtual/Physical Studios: Bridging the online–offline gap, these future technologies offer a potential future where embodiment is secondary to information access.
Examples: eyewear/HUDs, retinal screens, holography, neuroinfomatics, immersive virtual reality
5. Disintermediation: Undoing the traditional teacher-student model, these technologies offer a scenario where AI handles personalization while teachers focus on teaching.
Examples: telepresence, algo-generated lessons, mobile learning platforms, task-assignment algorithms, S2S teaching platforms, assessment algorithms, student-designed learning mechanics
6. Opening of Information: Dissemination of information outside the physical silos of schools and classrooms, offering feedback and assessment to students anywhere.
Examples: portable academic histories, flipped classrooms, inter-school teaching platforms, digitization of books, open courseware, education app stores, online school communities, video lessons, formal communication.

The futuristic Education is imperative for any School not just to develop the students' present but also prepare them for future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. ... These classes in general would sharpen student's mental ability and enable him to think beyond the obvious.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

What do you think education will look like after 10 years?........Group Discussion

11.10.2020, Sunday
Today's Edu. discussion.

lll What do you think education will look like after 10 years? Ill

¶ Moderator: Mrs. Anuppama Das
Platform: UN Women's Peace Association 

• Azeez: Education as a tool may get to have chance of changing in its purpose such as learning, teaching and serving.

Still there will be a change, not in education, but in its purposes, as I said in above - teaching, learning and serving.

A significant change that we are seeing happening around us is the rapid emergence of skill-based courses.

Especially emerging areas such as retailing, banking, selling, mobile repairing, embroidery, fashion, and jewellery designing to name a few from school learning period, according to NEP 2020.

• Dr Sekar Srinivasan: Education is a continuous process for all. As physical aspects are subjected to changes and adaptable with time education which really meant for reducing mental conflicts and for making oneself compatible with environment both psychological as well as sociological. For centuries human race was idle but from 17th to19th century changes developed. Then in 20th century every decade could experience significant and vital changes which totally changed the mindset and conservative thinking minimised. Now we find every year not only degital and technological changes and advancement s but individual specialization gained momentum.
In ten years for sure we will emerge with values and understanding better natural resources as well as human relations and power. Already global citizenship has emerged and that will strengthen respecting not only human but universal brotherhood for all creatures. Education will be more knowledge centric and there will be no bias. Schools of excellence with merit will be available to cater these needs. Let me continue after hearing from others. Thanks mr Azeez for providing such a wonderful topic for interactive session. Regards Drssekar

• Azeez: Here are 10 positive changes we will see via education technology:

1. Learn anytime learning and at any place.

2. Personalised learning at one's own pace and speed.

3. Flexible paths and more choice of subjects.

4. Blended learning, flipped classrooms and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for learning.

5. Project-based and experiential learning.

6. Increasing importance of data interpretation and data analytics.

7. Examination patterns will change completely with increased use of online quizzes, group projects, and group discussions.

8. Student ownership in the learning process will increase and he/she would need to take more responsibility in the learning process. However, the teacher would now be the clarifier and the problem solving specialist.

9. Classrooms would move towards being paperless and more computer-based.

10. Mentoring will become more important. Though the students will incorporate so much independence in to their learning process, mentoring will become fundamental to student success.

Changing times do warrant a change in the education options that are available to students. I think the time has come to radically evaluate existing programmers and reinvent them as needed.

- Prof R Sivasubramani, Vice President, Institutional Development, ITM Group of Institutions. ll Courtesy: India today webtesk ll

• Dr Sekar Seenivasan: Excellent points of projections.  Needs based changes and changes in examination and evaluation process es should be discussed eloborately 

• Azeez: Some more expected changes, may occur and here as it goes:

• No heavy 5–6 kg bags on a 6 Year old child
• Less homeworks
• More focus on what is practical rather than illusion
• Freedom of choosing subject
• Making them more aware of the society and its evils
• Self defence training compulsory for girls
• No mocking of people who choose humanities
• Real life lessons by social exposure
• Anytime free counseling by teachers
• Parents to understand what is required and not what is demanded.

And unexpected changes may occur in RESERVATION POLICY.

• Azeez: Here are some things I think will gain momentum:

• Online/virtual degrees offering Virtual universities will be developed for most technology and business fields. 

• Online/virtual courses will continue to develop. There may not be genuinely obtained degrees or diplomas.

• Testing processes for online or virtual degrees will be compelled to improve as such degrees and courses become more institutionalized. (Another headache).

• Artificial intelligence testing and evaluation may fire up, like how the technology industry has come to dominate many fields.

• Knowledge through AI and some form of advanced domain modeling, meaning that humans will learn from bots, increasingly, in future. 

• Depending on how the market economics of online education evolves, it could either create a very polarized society, with lots of knowledge in the hands of a few, or be a force for good education all around. 

• English language will become even more popular than it is in 2017, as a primary medium of instruction, especially because of the dominance of a few companies or universities, and especially because the technical fields in demand, which will produce jobs of the future have scholars who mostly speak and work in English.

• The reach and cost of education will drop in the coming years, before 2025.

• We can foresee online education counselors, career psychologists taking up a key role in the coming years. 

• In 10 years time, it may  be hard to find writers, editors, poets and literature champions of language, heritage, traditions......

• History will be a part of story books and may nor be in text books....

Somehow we can predict end of human race dominating the world.

These are my personal predictions, not to take in other ways please.

• Mr. Nahid Raza: Edu will learning driven. Tech will set in. Individual learning shall prevail. Values in will drop further. Virtilual learning shall accelerate. Open edu will multiply. Physical schools will exist but will not thrive. Children will be empowered.

• Mr. S. C. Vohra: Before discussing how education will look like after 10 years, I would like to analyse what education was 10 years back. What significant changes do we see in the education? Other than cosmetic changes like introduction of new subjects, failed CCE , more freedom to students at the cost of curbs on the freedom of teachers , stress on Computer education -we continued to create zombies and exam - taking machines. 
In the NEP 2020 , coding is being pitched as a new interactive playground for children as young as six. Automation and Artificial intelligence will literally devour the magic of face to face teaching. Coding will become an essential language for all children. According to Karan Bajaj , founder of WhiteHat Jr. , “In the future, you can either be a creator of or a consumer of technology. If you are a creator, you are set for a powerful life.”

In the next 10 years a new “Vocationalism” of education will take place which will narrow the purpose of education into creating new workers for a changing economy rather than well rounded humans and responsible citizens. 

Emphasis will be on problem solving approach and many subjects will become extinct.The gap between rural and urban populations will increase in terms of quality of education. 

All the above and many other changes are likely to take place in the next 10 years. But I fear these changes will widen the gaps in the already polarised society. Jobs will be fewer and this may well be the beginning of class war. My fears may be unfounded but my foresight propels me into this kind of a picture.

In a meeting with various stakeholders held last year,Choudhary of Microsoft Research Lab , was asked if school curriculums should change to tackle the challenges of AI , his answer was ,” We don’t know whether it is AI or biotechnology or quantum computing that will be important in 15 years, our best bet is not to focus on one technology. When you are preparing for a future no one knows about, you should prepare for everything. Make the children flexible, teach them to take on challenges, solve problems and adapt to new technologies. Often this is not an many are happy with. “

In my opinion this best sums up what future education should be like.

• Mrs. Sweta Srivastava: Good morning to all my members


• Dr. Parvathi: Exactly it will be more vocationalised,technical and practical ,experimental  based

• Mrs. Jemi: Future educators will have to face the fact that students will need (and want) to learn in a flexible, personalized format — for some, this may mean having a more technology-focused classroom. Students will want their learning experience to meet their interests, time constraints and academic needs.

I believe that at least 90 percent of the student population will be pursuing online degree programmes. Education will be truly democratised and globalised, with students unhindered by age, social, geographical or national boundaries. ... Overall student-staff ratios of 100:1 will be the norm.

After ten years the school building as you know it will change. No more sectioned off classrooms featuring heavy doors and narrow windows. No more desks in rows facing a projector screen and a lectern. Dusty textbooks, old chalkboards and tired school decorations will be gone.

School buildings will be vibrant and dynamic. They will feature what is today called “flexible seating.” In other words, many schools will look more and more like a We Work or your favorite coworking space! Schools will feature maker spaces, and engineering spaces so students can use their hands to manipulate items and learn. 

Schools will be filled with new technologies like VR/AR sets, voice controlled devices and the latest laptops and tablets for each student to engage with. 

Teachers: The role of the teacher in 2030 will change drastically from today. You probably knew your teacher as the content expert. Typically, schools hire Mrs. Roberts to teach math because she knows math really well. Your English teacher typically loves literature and maybe has a small writing career on the side. Teachers have been required to be content experts for so long.

In 2030, adaptive learning software will replace direct instruction. Adaptive learning software is computer software that uses AI to move students up and down through a grade level’s content based on student performance on assessment questions. Adaptive learning is faster and more efficient than even the best teachers. 

Using adaptive learning software to teach core content means that teachers no longer have to be content experts. With adaptive learning software, the role of the teacher changes. The teacher is now a motivator, coach, curriculum designer and mentor to the student. 

Since adaptive learning software is faster than instruction today, the future will see schools condense pure academic work to three hours per day, using the other three or four hours in the day to teach life skills or let students explore personal interest projects. This means the role as a motivator is one of the most important roles a teacher will play.

• Mrs. Buvana: Towards technology changes.... pandemic situation force us to change.... Definitely we can expect some instructions changes in school in 2030

• Mrs. Anuppama Das: Beginning will be blended learning. Which we can see from the last 10 years kids are learning even the basic from apps which is more engaging and fruitful. But what is missing here is human understanding of empathy. I believe through the old method human connections are duly given importance but a major fun element is missing.

After ten years the school building as you know it will change. No more sectioned off classrooms featuring heavy doors and narrow windows. No more desks in rows facing a projector screen and a lectern. Dusty textbooks, old chalkboards and tired school decorations will be gone.

Definitely a clear picture. In many schools arond the world it is happening. But when it comes to India we need to look into the point that. Its a price concern people and govt. and also the difference of opinions in every corner of the country. I am afraid how will we embrace the extremely fast changing concept of learning and applications.

School buildings will be vibrant and dynamic. They will feature what is today called “flexible seating.” In other words, many schools will look more and more like a WeWork or your favorite coworking space! Schools will feature maker spaces, and engineering spaces so students can use their hands to manipulate items and learn.

• Mrs. Pooja Hanji: Agreed. It will create a new door for collaboration for machine minds and creative minds. 

• Mrs. Anuppama Das: Schools will be filled with new technologies like VR/AR sets, voice controlled devices and the latest laptops and tablets for each student to engage with.

The point is very much taken but even now around 50 million children is not being able access basic education. And we are on the verge of a mass existinsion. How will we make it happen on a local or i may say mocro level scale. 

Teachers: The role of the teacher in 2030 will change drastically from today. You probably knew your teacher as the content expert. Typically, schools hire Mrs. Roberts to teach math because she knows math really well. Your English teacher typically loves literature and maybe has a small writing career on the side. Teachers have been required to be content experts for so long.

• Mrs. Pooja Hanji: Yes it is correct . Also I believe a lot of good innovation can be embraced once we abolish the B.Ed system .(Read in one of the article in hindu that this is the way forward)

• Mrs. Anuppama Das: In 2030, adaptive learning software will replace direct instruction. Adaptive learning software is computer software that uses AI to move students up and down through a grade level’s content based on student performance on assessment questions. Adaptive learning is faster and more efficient than even the best teachers.

China is applying it already. We need to look forward to apply this on level basis system. 

Using adaptive learning software to teach core content means that teachers no longer have to be content experts. With adaptive learning software, the role of the teacher changes. The teacher is now a motivator, coach, curriculum designer and mentor to the student.

Since adaptive learning software is faster than instruction today, the future will see schools condense pure academic work to three hours per day, using the other three or four hours in the day to teach life skills or let students explore personal interest projects. This means the role as a motivator is one of the most important roles a teacher will play.

He i guess we need basic education but a lot and lot of practical knowledge.  Teachers with high emotional quotioned will be the need of the future . Thats for sure. Public speaking with good ways to connect to people, these kind of teachers will be high in demand .

• Mrs. Smit: After 10 years …..We may not expect a rapid shift in education within the next decade. But the paradigm shift described (which has begun already) will be gradually adopted .10 years is long time to see major changes. Technology will be most prominent  key for the change .  The implication of “world is becoming a global village” on education will formulate learning content & will form more unified than before. Today Students are able to access lessons and materials from anywhere around the world means they keep themselves up to date with global trends in their fields of study .Due to technology, we can see many changes are coming our way through out the globe but due to inclusion of technology and increasing of technology integrated education for better learning will bring further change.

Already we can visualize digitization of textbooks &curriculum .Online classes / Webinars / Quiz/ Virtual Awards / E-certificates/ Computer- based Test and Exams are in trend. Growing popularity of online courses will be the concept of major universities to grab more and more students.   Augmented &Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technologies are fast gaining grounds and will greatly impact education. Coding and robotics and in practice and will be instigated with more advance features. In terms of provision of learning aids and doing projects and assignments, 3D printing will make learning speedy and easier.

Many conventional jobs and methods of working will be discarded for digitized, automated ones. As a result, education will shift from its current method of rote-learning, where students begin learning from the basics and teachers guide   Artificial intelligence will play a vital role in development of future education. Education in the next ten years will become more experiential and focused on students being able to gain employable skills. Many research already exposed that present schools teach a lot of unwanted, unnecessary information and change in curriculum will make learning more focused on specific needs than in general. 

Major change will be a shift from abstract to practical knowledge. The study will be focused on practical application in a real life situation, reduced paper work and more presentations & teamwork based on extensive knowledge and critical thinking depict “how much they know and how well they can apply it”.

• Mrs. BuvanaUNV: In 10 years teachers role is only facilitator/ guide more teaching  channel their knowledge (from net etc) into proper direction.....

Saturday, October 3, 2020

The biggest wrong with Indian education system is that we try to find faults in this brilliant education system keeping in mind Finland or something else like. Group discussion

Group discussion: By - Team UN Volunteers
[The biggest wrong with Indian education system is that we try to find faults in this brilliant education system keeping in mind Finland or something else like].

Let face some questions:

• Why west has to look india while recruiting their top employees? 
• Which education system has produce most powerful ceo‘s?
• Why can’t google or amazon can run without indians ?
• Which education system has skilled world class engineers ?
• Why india produce world class managers?

Let's discuss on it.

• Mrs. Bhavneet Kaur : Values which we inculcate in our students are a very imp point to answer this

Mr. Nahid Raza UNV: We are enriching in contents - Edu with consistency, Diversity of children in class, Indians are good at Maths, We are multilinguists, Parents cultivate values, Edu has respect in India, System contains culture, Values are brought in by each stakeholder, Everyone knows importance of edu. 

Perception is very nourishing in India. Idea is to empower children to think indepedendly, Give them autonomy, Project work, Above timely literacy. 

System is fine. We as parents and teachers fail to understand it.

• Mr Alok Kumar Mohanty: Historically, we were belittled citing our traditional knowledge by the foreign rulers. The British legacy  still continues after independence which tries to produce more self hating Indians. Freedom is yet to come in our minds as our education system is not making us free in mind. True,  we find all the IITans and MBA serving the foreign masters so well but hardly we find original researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs.
Mother tongue if respected and given due importance along with English will help in overcoming slavishness.

Self hatred which was systematically instilled in us through English medium education. Second the Marxist Prof interpreted every thing through a lens that found fault with every thing in the past. All our knowledge and achievement were hidden under an agenda. We forgot that we are the only living civilization in the world out of 46 who have perished. 

The greatness of our forefathers need to be brought before the new generation then only this self hatred will get cured. If we look at American and European model of civilization then we notice it is very much individualistic that aggrandizes the egos separateness. 

As a result family system is collapsing giving rise to decadence in the society, ecology and environment. Its the money that is the God there. But due to individual freedom innovations are many. 
In our country we are trying to ape their failed model when the world is looking for an answer from us to avoid the looming crisis. We do have an answer but not aware of it. Please read a book called "Human Cycle" by Sri Aurobindo.

Mr. S C Vohra: If less than 1% born Genious Indians get top notch job abroad ,it doesn’t mean our education system is brilliant. Our education system needs immediate reforms doesn’t need any stamp of approval from any agency. It’s an outdated system where coaching institutes are flourishing day in and day out.

AZEEZ: Our only problem is , the known, one knows system of Education is not in the forefront to guide, reason might be no opportunities or no willingness or no response to their suggestions.....and the unknown, who know not at all Education are at our guiding ends.

Both are right persons placed in the wrong place -The cause for the pollution in Education sector.

It has to be changed. Heroes to be sung louder. Voice should be heard. To be followed for the betterment of our society.

Mrs. Malyasri Mukherjee: Our education system basically is an information based system where students are taught how to install information into the hard disks of their mind. It doesn’t teach them how to apply those information in real life. If you see, even now after the completion of engineering or medical or masters these students have to undergo training process in their own job sector. Has anyone ever think on this that why they have do a training even after completing their higher studies ? Many will say that they gain experience or something else but in reality they are being trained how to apply their information in this realistic world.
There is question asked that our education system is the best but I differ to this point as no education systems can be flawless. All are flawed but the way the system is delivering the education should change. Still now in universities the curriculum students learn are outdated and not useful. 

Again looking at the global context, international companies hire Indians only because they are diligent, hardworking and know how follow orders and get the work done not because they have gained so much knowledge.

Mrs. Madhumita Jana: In olden days, India had the Guru Kula System of Education in which all the learning majorly were linked to nature and not just memorizing some information from here and there. 
Gradually the system of Education started changing and more focus was on knowledge based and information based Education System. But today with the understanding of the importance of application based learning,  our system has the potential to create and produce the best of students in every sphere of life. Our focus on concept learning right from primary level enable students to widen their views and apply the same in their professional lines later.
I agree with Nahid Sir and 
 feel that our Education System is amazing and we as parents and educators need to understand , appreciate and accept it.

Mrs. Roma Narang: I agree that our education system is not producing able citizens who are innovators, creators or good decision makers.  
First, they are sabotaged by parents by  making them pursuade the ways, followed by family since long past as stereotypes by not expressing one's heart fully. Children don't get an environment to be open for any enquiries. Their inquisitive nature gets distorted with irrelevant replies. In an appropriate age of school, where intellect and potential of children can get the wings of imagination and creativity, where circuits of their brain are supposed to get a healthy stimulation. All this get infertile in lack of  authentic sensorial ,practical activities due to inappropriate foundation forming environment and teachers.According to Jerome Bruner, children represent information and knowledge in their memory in three different but interrelated modes such as action based, image based and language/symbol based. It needs a perfect curriculum and intervention of staff and employer as well. Children either young or small need concrete experiences and education must add less theoretical more sructured in a way that engages the learners in mental, conceptual and receptive manner. To fill that gap, recruitment, training, counseling, resources, class dynamics and pedagogy all needs to be redesigned. Parents must be given a particular training. Whole education system can be overhauled by overhauling the relevant person and resources as well from top to bottom.

Mrs. Aruna Singh: Education system itself can never be flawed. The curriculum is there but it is our responsibility how to interpret and deliver. There are teachers who deliver the topic full of enthusiasm and creativity. Teaching is an art which has to be cultivated with reading, learning and communication. It is due to these live teachers we are able to boast of such accomplished CEO’s. Focus, dedication and creativity have to be developed in every teacher which will percolate to students. Education has to focus more on our skills and aptitude, parental or peer pressure puts the children into wrong path. Let the children to explore, experience, research and come to conclusion to decide their goals. Parents counselling has to become the core focus. Students are very receptive and easy to mould. We have to have our vision for next 25 years and guess what is going to happen and what would be the skill requirements at that time as we have to prepare our children for that era.

Mrs. Geeta: But if we see: The CEOs and the managers are Indians but the companies are owned by? 
So so we need to change our education system of British age from making the slaves to a boss.

Ms. Leena Rai: Very aptly said that indians are given credit overseas they need the doctors, the software engineers,the policy makers but how many of the educationists and educational reforms maker are in demand there?We check the data of immigration and there is the least scope for them why the biggest question because of the faults in the system not in the knowledge and guiding light 
This industry is in the wrong hands either as the owner of the system or a few are behind their own self interests of gains and negotiating on this.Every single company comes into the field with a new product and coaching centres too lure the parents and school system for their own benefits 
Right words of sir we need to remove this kind of pollution from the education.We have the worth but worthless in the eyes of Indians only but the same product gets the right and justified share from abroad so brain drain becomes the consequence or the healthy fruitful result of the individual to survive with respect.

Mrs. Phani Kumari: Here teachers are nit given to explore and interact with the students. Completion of the portion is the main criteria. If in case, pricipal gives little liberty to complete the so called 'syllabus'. Parents directly interact with the management, Management is in no position to listen either to the principal or the teacher concerned. As parents would have colourfully explained with   teachers close to the management. This demoralise the spirit of the enthusiastic teacher and the principal. To stick on to the job, pricipal adheres strictly to the completion of syllabus  followed by question and answers,test etc.
This can be resolved only when the board gives only content and not prescribe the text. Wherein, teachers can use different  strategies taking day to day simple examples and life situation to understand the concept.

•  Mrs. Jemi: To answer why west focus our resources for their top employment..
Our Educational system is the best.
World-class education

Indian civilization is one of the oldest ones on the block and has always significantly contributed to the arena of knowledge, thanks to its varied cultural, geographical and traditional background. Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics or Economics, India has always nurtured talents in its cradle and loads of foreign travelers also have streamed into the country for acquiring knowledge and education since centuries. The prudent educational system of the time therefore has strong roots in the cultural richness of the country. In the 21st century, India is a super power in education with an array of world class educational opportunities in its schema.

• Holistic educational system

India has always been a pioneer of the “Gururkul” system, in which the bondage shared by the student and the teacher is something unique and special. A comprehensive development of the mind and the soul is observed best in this “holistic” approach to education. The exact format of the gururkul system is missing in the urban set-up of the country today, but the essence still remains and this works to heighten the educational quality and excellence at all levels.

• Front line institutions

India is home to several vanguard educational institutions like IIT (Indian institute if Technology), JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University), IIM (Indian Institute of Management), Tata Institutes and so on. These are all internationally recognized names in the global education industry with world-class facilities and conveniences for students.

• Study options

The study options in India are widely diversified in all fields of education. One can exercise his preferences in studying offline, online, in-campus, off-campus for a course. Distant learning choices are also available these days. The Central Government has done its best to make the study opportunities flexible in nature to facilitate optimal student participation.

• Cost of education

One of the best advantageous points of the Indian education system is its inexpensiveness. Unlike other developed countries in the world, knowledge is clubbed with economy here and any student willing to explore the abundantly spread resources of education in the country can do so without spending exorbitantly.

• Accountability to student learning and reform in governance: 

Success of education must be determined by inputs such as number of classrooms, books in the library or by the ratio of the teachers. - We must hold our education system accountable to high standards of student's development.

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