Sunday, October 11, 2020

What do you think education will look like after 10 years?........Group Discussion

11.10.2020, Sunday
Today's Edu. discussion.

lll What do you think education will look like after 10 years? Ill

¶ Moderator: Mrs. Anuppama Das
Platform: UN Women's Peace Association 

• Azeez: Education as a tool may get to have chance of changing in its purpose such as learning, teaching and serving.

Still there will be a change, not in education, but in its purposes, as I said in above - teaching, learning and serving.

A significant change that we are seeing happening around us is the rapid emergence of skill-based courses.

Especially emerging areas such as retailing, banking, selling, mobile repairing, embroidery, fashion, and jewellery designing to name a few from school learning period, according to NEP 2020.

• Dr Sekar Srinivasan: Education is a continuous process for all. As physical aspects are subjected to changes and adaptable with time education which really meant for reducing mental conflicts and for making oneself compatible with environment both psychological as well as sociological. For centuries human race was idle but from 17th to19th century changes developed. Then in 20th century every decade could experience significant and vital changes which totally changed the mindset and conservative thinking minimised. Now we find every year not only degital and technological changes and advancement s but individual specialization gained momentum.
In ten years for sure we will emerge with values and understanding better natural resources as well as human relations and power. Already global citizenship has emerged and that will strengthen respecting not only human but universal brotherhood for all creatures. Education will be more knowledge centric and there will be no bias. Schools of excellence with merit will be available to cater these needs. Let me continue after hearing from others. Thanks mr Azeez for providing such a wonderful topic for interactive session. Regards Drssekar

• Azeez: Here are 10 positive changes we will see via education technology:

1. Learn anytime learning and at any place.

2. Personalised learning at one's own pace and speed.

3. Flexible paths and more choice of subjects.

4. Blended learning, flipped classrooms and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for learning.

5. Project-based and experiential learning.

6. Increasing importance of data interpretation and data analytics.

7. Examination patterns will change completely with increased use of online quizzes, group projects, and group discussions.

8. Student ownership in the learning process will increase and he/she would need to take more responsibility in the learning process. However, the teacher would now be the clarifier and the problem solving specialist.

9. Classrooms would move towards being paperless and more computer-based.

10. Mentoring will become more important. Though the students will incorporate so much independence in to their learning process, mentoring will become fundamental to student success.

Changing times do warrant a change in the education options that are available to students. I think the time has come to radically evaluate existing programmers and reinvent them as needed.

- Prof R Sivasubramani, Vice President, Institutional Development, ITM Group of Institutions. ll Courtesy: India today webtesk ll

• Dr Sekar Seenivasan: Excellent points of projections.  Needs based changes and changes in examination and evaluation process es should be discussed eloborately 

• Azeez: Some more expected changes, may occur and here as it goes:

• No heavy 5–6 kg bags on a 6 Year old child
• Less homeworks
• More focus on what is practical rather than illusion
• Freedom of choosing subject
• Making them more aware of the society and its evils
• Self defence training compulsory for girls
• No mocking of people who choose humanities
• Real life lessons by social exposure
• Anytime free counseling by teachers
• Parents to understand what is required and not what is demanded.

And unexpected changes may occur in RESERVATION POLICY.

• Azeez: Here are some things I think will gain momentum:

• Online/virtual degrees offering Virtual universities will be developed for most technology and business fields. 

• Online/virtual courses will continue to develop. There may not be genuinely obtained degrees or diplomas.

• Testing processes for online or virtual degrees will be compelled to improve as such degrees and courses become more institutionalized. (Another headache).

• Artificial intelligence testing and evaluation may fire up, like how the technology industry has come to dominate many fields.

• Knowledge through AI and some form of advanced domain modeling, meaning that humans will learn from bots, increasingly, in future. 

• Depending on how the market economics of online education evolves, it could either create a very polarized society, with lots of knowledge in the hands of a few, or be a force for good education all around. 

• English language will become even more popular than it is in 2017, as a primary medium of instruction, especially because of the dominance of a few companies or universities, and especially because the technical fields in demand, which will produce jobs of the future have scholars who mostly speak and work in English.

• The reach and cost of education will drop in the coming years, before 2025.

• We can foresee online education counselors, career psychologists taking up a key role in the coming years. 

• In 10 years time, it may  be hard to find writers, editors, poets and literature champions of language, heritage, traditions......

• History will be a part of story books and may nor be in text books....

Somehow we can predict end of human race dominating the world.

These are my personal predictions, not to take in other ways please.

• Mr. Nahid Raza: Edu will learning driven. Tech will set in. Individual learning shall prevail. Values in will drop further. Virtilual learning shall accelerate. Open edu will multiply. Physical schools will exist but will not thrive. Children will be empowered.

• Mr. S. C. Vohra: Before discussing how education will look like after 10 years, I would like to analyse what education was 10 years back. What significant changes do we see in the education? Other than cosmetic changes like introduction of new subjects, failed CCE , more freedom to students at the cost of curbs on the freedom of teachers , stress on Computer education -we continued to create zombies and exam - taking machines. 
In the NEP 2020 , coding is being pitched as a new interactive playground for children as young as six. Automation and Artificial intelligence will literally devour the magic of face to face teaching. Coding will become an essential language for all children. According to Karan Bajaj , founder of WhiteHat Jr. , “In the future, you can either be a creator of or a consumer of technology. If you are a creator, you are set for a powerful life.”

In the next 10 years a new “Vocationalism” of education will take place which will narrow the purpose of education into creating new workers for a changing economy rather than well rounded humans and responsible citizens. 

Emphasis will be on problem solving approach and many subjects will become extinct.The gap between rural and urban populations will increase in terms of quality of education. 

All the above and many other changes are likely to take place in the next 10 years. But I fear these changes will widen the gaps in the already polarised society. Jobs will be fewer and this may well be the beginning of class war. My fears may be unfounded but my foresight propels me into this kind of a picture.

In a meeting with various stakeholders held last year,Choudhary of Microsoft Research Lab , was asked if school curriculums should change to tackle the challenges of AI , his answer was ,” We don’t know whether it is AI or biotechnology or quantum computing that will be important in 15 years, our best bet is not to focus on one technology. When you are preparing for a future no one knows about, you should prepare for everything. Make the children flexible, teach them to take on challenges, solve problems and adapt to new technologies. Often this is not an many are happy with. “

In my opinion this best sums up what future education should be like.

• Mrs. Sweta Srivastava: Good morning to all my members


• Dr. Parvathi: Exactly it will be more vocationalised,technical and practical ,experimental  based

• Mrs. Jemi: Future educators will have to face the fact that students will need (and want) to learn in a flexible, personalized format — for some, this may mean having a more technology-focused classroom. Students will want their learning experience to meet their interests, time constraints and academic needs.

I believe that at least 90 percent of the student population will be pursuing online degree programmes. Education will be truly democratised and globalised, with students unhindered by age, social, geographical or national boundaries. ... Overall student-staff ratios of 100:1 will be the norm.

After ten years the school building as you know it will change. No more sectioned off classrooms featuring heavy doors and narrow windows. No more desks in rows facing a projector screen and a lectern. Dusty textbooks, old chalkboards and tired school decorations will be gone.

School buildings will be vibrant and dynamic. They will feature what is today called “flexible seating.” In other words, many schools will look more and more like a We Work or your favorite coworking space! Schools will feature maker spaces, and engineering spaces so students can use their hands to manipulate items and learn. 

Schools will be filled with new technologies like VR/AR sets, voice controlled devices and the latest laptops and tablets for each student to engage with. 

Teachers: The role of the teacher in 2030 will change drastically from today. You probably knew your teacher as the content expert. Typically, schools hire Mrs. Roberts to teach math because she knows math really well. Your English teacher typically loves literature and maybe has a small writing career on the side. Teachers have been required to be content experts for so long.

In 2030, adaptive learning software will replace direct instruction. Adaptive learning software is computer software that uses AI to move students up and down through a grade level’s content based on student performance on assessment questions. Adaptive learning is faster and more efficient than even the best teachers. 

Using adaptive learning software to teach core content means that teachers no longer have to be content experts. With adaptive learning software, the role of the teacher changes. The teacher is now a motivator, coach, curriculum designer and mentor to the student. 

Since adaptive learning software is faster than instruction today, the future will see schools condense pure academic work to three hours per day, using the other three or four hours in the day to teach life skills or let students explore personal interest projects. This means the role as a motivator is one of the most important roles a teacher will play.

• Mrs. Buvana: Towards technology changes.... pandemic situation force us to change.... Definitely we can expect some instructions changes in school in 2030

• Mrs. Anuppama Das: Beginning will be blended learning. Which we can see from the last 10 years kids are learning even the basic from apps which is more engaging and fruitful. But what is missing here is human understanding of empathy. I believe through the old method human connections are duly given importance but a major fun element is missing.

After ten years the school building as you know it will change. No more sectioned off classrooms featuring heavy doors and narrow windows. No more desks in rows facing a projector screen and a lectern. Dusty textbooks, old chalkboards and tired school decorations will be gone.

Definitely a clear picture. In many schools arond the world it is happening. But when it comes to India we need to look into the point that. Its a price concern people and govt. and also the difference of opinions in every corner of the country. I am afraid how will we embrace the extremely fast changing concept of learning and applications.

School buildings will be vibrant and dynamic. They will feature what is today called “flexible seating.” In other words, many schools will look more and more like a WeWork or your favorite coworking space! Schools will feature maker spaces, and engineering spaces so students can use their hands to manipulate items and learn.

• Mrs. Pooja Hanji: Agreed. It will create a new door for collaboration for machine minds and creative minds. 

• Mrs. Anuppama Das: Schools will be filled with new technologies like VR/AR sets, voice controlled devices and the latest laptops and tablets for each student to engage with.

The point is very much taken but even now around 50 million children is not being able access basic education. And we are on the verge of a mass existinsion. How will we make it happen on a local or i may say mocro level scale. 

Teachers: The role of the teacher in 2030 will change drastically from today. You probably knew your teacher as the content expert. Typically, schools hire Mrs. Roberts to teach math because she knows math really well. Your English teacher typically loves literature and maybe has a small writing career on the side. Teachers have been required to be content experts for so long.

• Mrs. Pooja Hanji: Yes it is correct . Also I believe a lot of good innovation can be embraced once we abolish the B.Ed system .(Read in one of the article in hindu that this is the way forward)

• Mrs. Anuppama Das: In 2030, adaptive learning software will replace direct instruction. Adaptive learning software is computer software that uses AI to move students up and down through a grade level’s content based on student performance on assessment questions. Adaptive learning is faster and more efficient than even the best teachers.

China is applying it already. We need to look forward to apply this on level basis system. 

Using adaptive learning software to teach core content means that teachers no longer have to be content experts. With adaptive learning software, the role of the teacher changes. The teacher is now a motivator, coach, curriculum designer and mentor to the student.

Since adaptive learning software is faster than instruction today, the future will see schools condense pure academic work to three hours per day, using the other three or four hours in the day to teach life skills or let students explore personal interest projects. This means the role as a motivator is one of the most important roles a teacher will play.

He i guess we need basic education but a lot and lot of practical knowledge.  Teachers with high emotional quotioned will be the need of the future . Thats for sure. Public speaking with good ways to connect to people, these kind of teachers will be high in demand .

• Mrs. Smit: After 10 years …..We may not expect a rapid shift in education within the next decade. But the paradigm shift described (which has begun already) will be gradually adopted .10 years is long time to see major changes. Technology will be most prominent  key for the change .  The implication of “world is becoming a global village” on education will formulate learning content & will form more unified than before. Today Students are able to access lessons and materials from anywhere around the world means they keep themselves up to date with global trends in their fields of study .Due to technology, we can see many changes are coming our way through out the globe but due to inclusion of technology and increasing of technology integrated education for better learning will bring further change.

Already we can visualize digitization of textbooks &curriculum .Online classes / Webinars / Quiz/ Virtual Awards / E-certificates/ Computer- based Test and Exams are in trend. Growing popularity of online courses will be the concept of major universities to grab more and more students.   Augmented &Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technologies are fast gaining grounds and will greatly impact education. Coding and robotics and in practice and will be instigated with more advance features. In terms of provision of learning aids and doing projects and assignments, 3D printing will make learning speedy and easier.

Many conventional jobs and methods of working will be discarded for digitized, automated ones. As a result, education will shift from its current method of rote-learning, where students begin learning from the basics and teachers guide   Artificial intelligence will play a vital role in development of future education. Education in the next ten years will become more experiential and focused on students being able to gain employable skills. Many research already exposed that present schools teach a lot of unwanted, unnecessary information and change in curriculum will make learning more focused on specific needs than in general. 

Major change will be a shift from abstract to practical knowledge. The study will be focused on practical application in a real life situation, reduced paper work and more presentations & teamwork based on extensive knowledge and critical thinking depict “how much they know and how well they can apply it”.

• Mrs. BuvanaUNV: In 10 years teachers role is only facilitator/ guide more teaching  channel their knowledge (from net etc) into proper direction.....

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