Wednesday, April 12, 2023


▪️How a smile makes all desirable changes by winning the hearts.

A smile is a powerful tool that can make all the desirable changes by winning the hearts of others.

➖The benefits are:

1. Creates a positive impression
2. Builds trust
3. Improves facial values
4. Improves immune system
5. Relieves stress
6. Boosts morale
7. Improves confidence
8. Strengthens relationship
9. Reduces pain
10. Reduces blood pressure
11. Increases endurance
12. Activates inactive harmones.

Smiles that convey approval, happiness, contentment, and other positive feelings.

Smiles that communicate positive intention, trustworthiness, belongingness, compassion, and social connection.

Smiles intended to convey contempt, disgust, or superiority. Such smiles have been shown to increase cortisol (stress hormone) levels in people they are directed toward.

Smiling Helps You Live Longer.

Smiling Elevates Mood.

Smiling Is Contagious

Smiling Makes You Attractive.

Smiling Suggests Success.

Smiling and Laughing Reduce Stress.

Since body language and mood are so linked, it makes sense that laughing on purpose helps us too.

Smiling relaxes the facial muscles and calms the nervous system. Laughing sends more oxygen to the brain. That triggers the release of brain chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals help us feel positive. Laughing can lower blood pressure, relieve stress, and boost mood.

➖Here's a simple exercise from a Buddhist teacher to help you tap into the benefits of smiling:

As you breathe in, say to yourself:

1. Breathing in, I calm my body and mind.

Then, as you breathe out, think:

2. Breathing out, I smile.

By repeating this simple breathing exercise several times, you're relaxing your nervous system and countering stress

➖Did you know that the simple act of smiling can boost your mood and even your immune system?

▪️It costs nothing, but creates much.
▪️It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.
▪️It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
▪️None are so rich they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits.
▪️It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign of friends.
▪️It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and Nature’s best antidote for trouble.
▪️It cannot be bought, bagged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away.
▪️Nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give.


1. Babies are born with the ability to smile: Babies learn a lot of behaviors and sounds from watching the people around them, but scientists believe that all babies are born with the ability, since even blind babies smile.

2. Women smile more than men: Generally, women smile more than men, but when they participate in similar work or social roles, they smile the same amount. This finding leads scientists to believe that gender roles are quite flexible. Boy babies, though, do smile less than girl babies, who also make more eye contact.

3. There are 19 different types of smiles: UC-San Francisco researcher identified 19 types of smiles and put them into two categories: polite “social” smiles which engage fewer muscles, and sincere “felt” smiles that use more muscles on both sides of the face.

4. Only human can smile. It makes a difference from animal.

Your smile can reflect a wide range of your mood.

➖Unknown facts:

▪️Biologically smile takes 62 muscles to frown, but only 26 muscles to smile!

▪️The two muscles that create a smile are the zygomatic major and the orbicularis oculi.

▪️Other muscles can simulate a smile, but only the two above create a genuine, involuntary smile.

▪️Duchenne smiles are the scientific name for genuine smiles.

▪️The crinkling in the corner of the eyes is a tell-tale sign of a genuine smile.

▪️People who smile are more likely to get a promotion.

▪️Smiles are the most easily recognized facial expression; they can be recognized from over 300 feet away.

➖Types of smile 

There are many types of smiles, each with their own unique meanings and expressions. 

Here are some of the most common types of smiles:

1. Duchenne smile: A genuine smile that involves the contraction of both the zygomatic major muscle (which lifts the corners of the mouth) and the orbicularis oculi muscle (which creates crow's feet wrinkles around the eyes).

2. Fake smile: A smile that is forced or insincere, often used to hide negative emotions or to be polite.

3. Polite smile: A smile that is used to show politeness or acknowledgement, but may not be genuine.

4. Amused smile: A smile that shows amusement or mild humor, often involving a closed mouth and raised eyebrows.

5. Sarcastic smile: A smile that is used to convey sarcasm or mocking, often involving a slight sneer and raised eyebrows.

6. Nervous smile: A smile that is used to cover up nervousness or anxiety, often involving a closed mouth and a forced, tight-lipped smile.

7. Flirtatious smile: A smile that is used to show romantic or sexual interest, often involving a tilted head, eye contact, and a slight smile.

8. Smirk: A smile that is used to show smugness or superiority, often involving a raised corner of the mouth and a cocked eyebrow.

9. Grin: A broad smile that involves the entire mouth and often conveys happiness, excitement, or satisfaction.

10. Contemptuous smile: A smile that shows disrespect or disdain towards someone, often involving a raised corner of the mouth and a curled lip.

11. Sympathetic smile: A smile that shows understanding or empathy towards someone, often involving a gentle, closed-mouth smile.

12. Proud smile: A smile that shows pride or accomplishment, often involving a broad smile and an open, confident posture.

13. Icy smile: A smile that is cold and distant, often involving a tight-lipped smile and lack of eye contact.

14. Embarrassed smile: A smile that shows embarrassment or discomfort, often involving a closed mouth and a downcast gaze.

15. Sincere smile: A smile that is genuine and heartfelt, often involving a warm, open-mouthed smile and eye contact.

16. Joyful smile: A smile that shows pure joy or happiness, often involving a broad, open-mouthed smile and expressive eyes.

17. Confident smile: A smile that shows confidence or self-assurance, often involving a firm, broad smile and an upright posture.

18. Mischevious smile: A smile that shows playful or mischievous intentions, often involving a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

19. Radiant smile: A smile that is bright, glowing, and exudes happiness, often involving a wide, open-mouthed smile and twinkling eyes.

20. Compassionate smile: A smile that is warm and caring, often used to show support or kindness towards others, and involving a soft, gentle smile and attentive eye contact.

21. Apologetic smile: A smile that is used to convey apology or regret, often involving a slight, closed-lipped smile and a sincere expression.

22. Skeptical smile: A smile that is used to convey doubt or disbelief, often involving a raised eyebrow and a half-smile.

23. Contemplative smile: A smile that is used to show thoughtfulness or reflection, often involving a closed-mouth smile and a pensive expression.

24. Enthusiastic smile: A smile that is used to show excitement or enthusiasm, often involving a wide, open-mouthed smile and an animated expression.

25. Impish smile: A smile that is playful and mischievous, often involving a sly grin and a twinkle in the eye.

26. Admiring smile: A smile that is used to show admiration or appreciation, often involving a wide, open-mouthed smile and a gaze of awe. 

➖Goodness of the smile:

The "goodness" of a smile depends on the intentions and emotions behind it, as well as the way it is received by others. 

A smile that is used to convey kindness, humor, joy, or empathy is generally viewed as positive and attractive, while a smile that is used to convey sarcasm, insincerity, or superiority may be viewed as negative or off-putting.

➖How to improve smiling:

1. Consider teeth whitening: If you're unhappy with the color of your teeth, consider professional teeth whitening treatments to brighten your smile.

2. Address dental issues: If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, consider orthodontic treatments such as braces or Invisalign to improve their alignment.

3. Practice smiling: Spend time in front of a mirror practicing your smile, experimenting with different types of smiles and expressions until you find one that feels natural and attractive.

4. Exercise your facial muscles: Engage in exercises that can help strengthen and tone the muscles in your face and jaw, such as facial yoga or facial massage.

5. Be mindful of your posture: Sit or stand up straight with your shoulders back and your head held high to project confidence and openness.

6. Think positive thoughts: Cultivate a positive mindset and try to focus on things that make you happy or bring you joy, which can help make your smile more genuine and authentic.

Remember, the most important thing is to be comfortable and confident in your smile, and to express yourself in a way that feels true to who you are.

➖How to make others smile:

Making others smile can be a wonderful way to brighten someone's day and spread positivity and joy. 

Here are some strategies that may help:

1. Use humor: Humor is a powerful tool for making others smile. Try telling a joke, sharing a funny story, or making a lighthearted observation to bring a smile to someone's face.

2. Be kind: Acts of kindness and generosity can be a great way to make others smile. Offer a helping hand, pay a compliment, or surprise someone with a thoughtful gesture to show that you care.

3. Show empathy: Sometimes simply showing empathy and understanding can help ease someone's stress or worries and bring a smile to their face. Listen attentively, offer support, and try to put yourself in their shoes.

4. Be playful: Playfulness and spontaneity can be great for making others smile. Whether it's engaging in a silly activity, telling a funny story, or just being spontaneous and adventurous, finding ways to inject a sense of fun and excitement into someone's day can be a great way to bring a smile to their face.

5. Share positive news: Sharing positive news, such as a personal accomplishment, an interesting fact, or a heartwarming story, can help lift someone's spirits and make them smile.

Remember, making others smile can be a simple yet powerful way to spread joy and positivity, and can have a lasting impact on both the giver and the receiver.

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